SICK2(Extras 2)

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Some of you asked for Tae's vaccination details, So Im doing this oneshot for that.
This isnt a one shot book..and thats why I have given half of the part here. Please read my one shot book update of this chapter for full one!!

<<<After 3 weeks of Tae started living with Jungkook>>>

At Home(Night)

Taehyung was studying in the hall, while Hobi was searching down something from hus laptop and writing it down.

Jungkook was at the hospital and others were at their respective work places.

"Ahh! Why isn't anyone's vaccination chart up to date?! Why do they leave it off in middle!" Hobi groaned while looking at one of his patients file.

Taehyung eyed him doubtfully.

"So what?" he asked to which he got a weirded look from his hyung.

"What do you mean So what? Vaccinations are ought to be taken correctly!"

"But- they would have got them in their childhood."

"Hey, everyone should get all their vaccinations. That is why there is chart for what vaccination is to be given for which age people. So that they won't get affected."

Taehyung Oh'ed.

"You didn't get your vaccinations?" Hoseok asked narrowing his eyes which made Tae sweat a bit.

He wasn't afraid of them but then he don't like them. And when he had the thought of getting all vaccinations together, he couldn't help but get scared.

"I-i got.. yeah..j-just f-for few months i didnt get" He stuttered trying to go back to his work.

Hoseok saw the nervousness and he knew he shouldn't rush to get the truth out from him.

"Hey Relax!! I don't think few months or even few years would be considered. Like, it would be fine to leave those vaccines" He lied smoothly and went back to his work.


"Yeah!! I didnt get vaccinated from the age of 13. Hehe!!" He lied again.

"Oh my god!! Thats longg! Atleast I had mine when I was 16, After that, I didn't have it too" Taehyung Sighed.

Hoseok noted it down mentally.
"Why is that?"

"I- I..My parents lost their job and I came here. There was no one i knew and also I was healthy , So.."

Hoseok hummed.

"Does Jungkook know this?" Hyung asked which made Tae's eyes to widen out.


"You know that I have to tell this to him, right?" He said calmly.

"Whatt? Noooo. Why would you do that hyung? He didn't ask anything. Why would you voluntarily go and tell him?"

Taehyung was practically jumping in nervousness.

"Tae.. first relax!! If you ever get sick, he would definetly check your vaccination chart and at that time my guilt will eat me. Also, its for your own health."

𝖣𝗈𝖼𝗍𝗈𝗋 𝐈𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜-𝖯𝗋𝗈𝖿𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗈𝗋 𝐈𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 [𝔻𝙸ℙ𝙸] ||Taekook||Where stories live. Discover now