Chapter 52 • Alone

Start from the beginning


"Hey, we have a problem."

He sighed nervously.

"Therapy didn't go too well, did it?"

"Not at all but I drove us to the store to get some ice cream for all of us—"

"About damn time."

"Anyways—" I raised my voice, "I left George in the car but when I came back he was gone."

"Call him."

"I did. He left his phone in the car so I don't know where he went or if something happened to him—" I rambled.

"Okay breathe, alright? We'll find him." I heard a rattling of keys on his end.

I sighed nervously as my mind went to bad places.

"I really hope he's not going to..." I couldn't finish my thought as I swallowed hard.

I walked down the street as my hands were kept in my pockets. While my shoes touched the concrete once at a time, my eyes watched my surroundings. Across the street, I saw two women holding hands while laughing. They looked so happy.

I lightly smiled at them as I remembered how Dream and I would act that way around each other.

I continued walking. I didn't know where I was going but I didn't really care. After a while, I made it to the shooting range we went to before. I sighed as my jaw clenched.

"This is how I'll handle it." I thought then made my way inside.

I swung open the door and walked in.

I sped around in my car, trying desperately to find George but I couldn't find him.

"Maybe he went back home." I thought.

I drove back home and opened the door to meet eyes with Bad in the living room.

"Hey, you're back." He muted the tv.

"Yeah—is George here??" My voice shook.

Bad's eyes widened as he frowned, standing up.

"No, what's wrong?"

"I—I can't find him—" I paced back and forth.

"I thought you and him went out together?"

"Yeah b—but he left in the middle of us going out—" I breathed heavily as more anxiety filled my chest, "W—what if something happened to him??"

"I'm sure wherever he is, he's okay." He walked to me, "We can go out and find him. We can track his phone."

I grabbed his phone out of my pocket and held it up.

"No we can't—he left his phone in the car—" tears filled my eyes.

Bad frowned.

"It'll be okay, Dream. If he left his phone behind then maybe he didn't wanna be found. George...not, found."

I rolled my eyes.


"It's okay...maybe you're right...maybe he wanted to be alone but I just need to know that he's alright and not doing anything stupid."

I held the gun with my hand as I set the bottom of it against my palm. I focused on the bullseye and fired it.

Instead of thinking about Hunter, I thought about how much I hated myself for causing Dream so much pain.

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