85- Sex

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When I woke, I was in the same position I had fallen asleep in, my body hurt, my neck stiff and my skin was all sweaty. I moved the blanket a little off me, and whilst I did love Remus, his thighs were not the best pillow, they were rather bony.

As I looked up at him, I almost crooned at the sight. I nudged his chest a little, harder when he didn't budge. His eyes slowly opened, golden brown and beautiful and I didn't think I'd ever get bored of looking at them. He let out a small sigh, scrunched his nose lightly. He looked like a work of art, art in its purest form. He stretched and immediately I moved to get off him, I must have made him so uncomfortable I thought, he had slept sitting up all night, and tonight was the night of the full moon.

He was quick to press down on my torso though, so I laid back down, I resisted, using force to lift my hips pushing his hand off me.

"I have probably crushed your poor legs."

"Best sleep I've had in years." He said with a grin and I pulled a disgusted look at him, he closed his eyes and rolled his head back.

I rolled off him so I was sitting besides him instead, I ripped my sweater off my body, my hair stuck slightly to my skin, a thin layer of sweat lined my body.

"I feel disgusting."

"Sleeping with me was that bad?"

I whipped my head to look at him, I couldn't tell if he was being serious, but no way would I ever feel disgusted by being close to him. "No that's not what I meant. I mean I'm due a shower." I tried desperately, shaking my head.

He smirked, smug bastard, I got up, stuck my middle finger up as I started to make the way to the staircase. "You're not funny." I retorted, not feeling awfully happy with the way he was chuckling to himself.

"Say, is there any room in there for another?"


He snorted, I watched him reach over to his jacket that was on the floor, curious to what he was doing, I walked slowly back over. He pulled out a pack of fags, I rolled my eyes.

First thing in the morning?

He lit it with a yawn, put it between his lips and I moved so I stood in front of him. He looked up at me, with a smirk and a look in his eyes that was sinful, but at the forefront innocent.

"No smoking in my house."

"You switch your mind quite a lot. Thought you were a smoker now."

"Well.. I said no smoking in my house."

Truthfully, I just wanted the power, wanted to tell someone else the rules of what to and not to do in my own home. He chuckled again, flicked the stick between his fingers, a little tobacco fell from it. I snatched it off him and scowled. "I'm being serious." I tried again with the most serious expression I could muster. He snatched it back off me. Before I could complain he yanked me so I fell on top of him.

And before I could speak, a gasp tore its way through my throat when I felt him beneath me, heat rose to my cheeks and I momentarily lost my train of thought. "You were saying?" He teased and I had half a mind to smack him.


"You're sat half naked atop of me, plus it's the morning." He retaliated, I pulled a face, he poked my cheek. "You revolt me."

"It was a long night, you move a lot in your sleep did you know? And given where your head posi.."

"You said it was the best sleep you've ever had, liar."

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