07- Faults

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"Miss Avery, your mother is in St Mungos, she's been attacked."

Attacked how? By who?

"How Sir?"

"I'm afraid I cannot answer that, I am unaware."

Well was she dead? Was she dying? How bad was it?

"Do you wish to see her?"

I didn't know, it was a complicated relationship we had, me and my mother. At times I would think she's okay, not that bad compared to my father, she wouldn't be as extreme with the pureblood nonsense, but then at times when he'd straight out be cruel, she'd just stand by and let it happen. Shit trait for a mother to have. How could you let someone harm your child and not do, or even want to do anything about it.

We did used to be close once upon a time. Things started to change between us. She changed. She wasn't the same person, she had become compliant to my father, did everything he asked. She scolded me whenever I wanted to do something that would slightly disobey him.
I didn't understand it, my father didn't abuse her, he loved her, she didn't have to go along with everything he said, but she did anyway, she became just like him.

"Miss Avery?"


"Hm?" I snapped back to reality, eyes meeting Dumbledore's face.

"Do you wish to see her?"

I didn't know what to do.

"No Sir."

Professor Lupin gave me a bewildered look, probably silently judging me. What kind of daughter wouldn't want to see her mother after she had just been attacked?

"Are you sure?" Dumbledore asked carefully.

I thought about it for a second, then cleared my throat.

"Yes what good will I do. Besides hospitals aren't really for me." I answered quickly.

"Very well, go back to your common room."

I nodded and he put an arm slightly around my shoulder to usher me away from the astronomy tower.

I went back to the common room, Neville saw me and asked me if I was alright, I gave him a smile and assured him I was, I told him to go have fun, he nodded and left it. Maybe I should've just gotten drunk and forgotten all about it, it was my birthday, I was 18, it was a big one. I couldn't shake the feeling though, so I went to my dorm and closed the door, I just needed to sleep it off. I quickly stripped off my clothes, and dressed into my nightwear.

Yeah I just needed to sleep.



Someone was calling my name, a voice that I recognised but couldn't quite put my finger on, but when I looked around there was no one to be seen.

Where was I?

I looked around my surroundings, everything was white. A bright white light filled the room. Someone pushed past me.

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