03- Epsom

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I woke up naturally and turned to look at the clock on the nightstand beside me.


I was 25 minutes late to meeting with the twins. I quickly got up and threw on my Slytherin robes over what I was wearing and grabbed my wand. I ran to the secret passageway I was supposed to meet them at and they both look annoyed just as I had expected them to be.

"Bloody hell we thought you'd left us."

"Yeah 25 minutes late, you know how important time is when it comes to stuff like this."

"Sorry!! But I'm here now. Now what is this prank anyway?"

We heard footsteps and George quickly threw Harry's invisibility cloak over the three of us, I was practically sandwiched between the two of them. We stayed still and we saw Filch in the distance with Mrs Norris. He was stood there for a good five minutes, we kept looking at each other to try and figure out what to do. Eventually, Fred made the decision for us to slowly start walking when we realised he wasn't going to be moving any time soon. The three of us all slowly started walking trying our hardest not to make any noise. We almost got past him until George tripped over the cloak and cursed under his breath. We froze and Filch snapped his head around.

"Who's there?"

We made the quick decision to just do a runner because hiding under the cloak was too much of a hazard and it was hard for all of us to synchronise our footsteps without falling straight on our faces. We were far enough from Filch that he wouldn't see us, not if we were fast enough.

Fred made the executive decision, taking charge, like the leader he was. "On three" he whispered making me and George nod. I looked back at Filch and mentally prepared myself to run, the Gryffindor and Slytherin common rooms were both in complete opposite directions, so I had to be fast to run past him.

"One. Two. Three."

He lifted the cloak and we took off.

"Who's there?" Filch screamed but I didn't even look back, I just kept running and I swore I heard another voice but I ignored it because if I was to look back, whoever it was would see my face and I'd be caught.

Thankfully I got to the Slytherin common room without any more disruptions and to my surprise I saw Pansy and Adrian sitting on the sofas.

"Where'd you go?" Adrian asked.

"Probably went to go shag, why else would she be out past curfew." Pansy spat.

"No, I wasn't and even if I was, jealous? Can't find someone to shag your sorry arse?"

Adrian snorted and she pulled a disgusted face at me, sort of like a scowl, I ignored her and went up to my dorm, out of breath from how much I had been running and I made a mental note that I should probably hit the gym because I was really getting unfit.

I always regretted things I did with the twins once I had done them.

They often left that effect. I just couldn't say no though, I loved the thrill of it I couldn't help it. But every single time without a doubt I'd mentally slap myself for saying yes.

I was certain I had heard another voice and knowing my luck it was probably Snape and that bastard had eyes like a hawk. If it was him, I'd be in deep shit. I pushed the thoughts away and let sleep overwhelm me, whatever was to happen would just happen, there was no point in stressing over it.

The next morning I woke up and got ready as usual and Blaise and Draco were waiting for me in the common room.

"So who did you shag yesterday then?"

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