57- Forgiveness

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I decided that I wanted to go and pay a visit to Kieran in Sheffield. He was right, I never went, so I was due a visit. When I got to his door I nervously knocked on it, hoping that it would be the right one. When he answered, his brows shot up, eyes wide as he hid behind the door.

"Oh!! Hi love!! Erm.. what are you.. what are you doing here?" He asked half excitedly, half panicked and I craned my head to see him more clearly to see he was shirtless and flushed.

"Oh!! Have you got someone in? I'll come back later." I whispered and he harshly shook his head.

"What? No. No I don't have.. I don't have anyone here." He said quickly and I shot him a confused look, almost amused.

"Kieran, there's no judgment here. You're.. you know.. you've got someone there, there's no shame in it. Go! Have fun. I'll come back in a bit."

"S'not.. they've erm.. they're going, just.. just can you like close your eyes and turn around?"

"Why? So they can leave? Jesus, who is it? Why are you hiding them?" I asked jokingly but he didn't return my smile, instead he looked scared.

"You're not shagging someone's mum are you?" I tried again, nudging him gently in attempts to try and lighten the mood.

"Kieran mate, I'm off." A deep voice rang through the background, it belonged to a man and for a split second I was confused.

"You've let your mate in? Why can't you let me in, am I not yo.. oh."

My mouth hung open in shock as I realised and before Kieran could say anything, he was pushed to the side. A boy who was shrugging his jacket on, quite a few inches shorter than Kieran came into view. I stood dumbstruck and he smiled cheekily, fastening his belt haphazardly.

"Alright love?" He asked somewhat cheerily.

I didn't answer, not because I didn't want to but because I was still sort of surprised. He chuckled and kind of nodded to Kieran to signal he was going and then quickly kissed my cheek. I was taken aback by the action and he chuckled again before completely moving past me to leave. Once he had gone, I looked back at Kieran.

He looked mortified and I didn't know what to do. He opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a jumble of words and he was stuttering so hard that it made me giggle because I had never seen him so not composed.

"So you gonna let me in or..?" I asked finally cutting him off when I realised I was still stood on his doorstep.

"Yes, yes of course, come in." He said hurriedly moving to the side and I walked in as he desperately ran to find some pants.

"So what.. what erm brings you here? Not that I'm complaining of course, you know I love seeing you love, just.."

"So who's the bloke?" I asked amused watching him flustered and he started stuttering again, his hands fumbling with pouring a drink in so hard that it slipped from his fingers and shattered onto the floor.

I stopped smiling, deciding to put all teasing at bay when I realised how stressed he actually was. I didn't intend in the slightest to make him feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, it's okay." I said softly, walking over to him to gently place my hand over his to stop them from shaking.

"You gonna call me a fairy? Cause I'm fuckin n.."

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