"Fine, just stay back until I say." He grumbled, "Stand right on the mark sir, turn a little, yes that's it. Now stay still." I couldn't help but grin seeing Will, his pose so stiff and formal as he looked straight at the camera. I rolled my eyes at him, watching as he relaxed a little. He looked more natural, but not quite enough. He didn't fully relax until the picture was finished. The photographer gave a gesture to one of the attendants, who quickly brought a chair over. "Now ma'am, if you'll just sit there and look towards me, lift your chin a bit, there you are. And sir, behind her, place a hand on the back of the chair, just like that."

I looked up to Will, holding his pose rigidly. I reached up and touched the hand on the chair, "Relax Will, it's alright."

"It hotter than the blazes in this," He shifted, "And I wish I still had my frock coat, it would look better than this."

"Then we'll have to get more pictures taken once we've gotten you a replacement." I gave his hand a squeeze, turning back before the photographer could call out at us again. If I had to hazard a guess I would say the man made his money in how quickly he was able to turn around his business, for he had all of us back out in the lobby and was calculating the tab with a speed that astounded me. I turned to the officers, the scratching of pencil on paper constant. "Why don't you all head out, make sure you have everything you need? There's some shops near here, just have them send the tab to the house. I'll wait for the pictures." That was met with a grateful discussion about what they had been missing, and I watched them leave before I turned to the photographer, "I wonder, sir, if you might perhaps allow me to take some photos of a different nature?" The idea had struck me last night, in Will's arms, to send him with something beyond memories. Something to remind him of me, and not just a trinket.

He barely looked up from his till. "For your man?"

His directness struck me, "Yes, for him."

"Let me get Lucy." He turned around, calling for her from the back of the shop before he came back. "Ladies tend to let Lucy do that a fair it easier than me. It's actually quite popular, especially with soldier's wives. I take it you'll want the negatives too?"

I assured him that I did, and Lucy quickly emerged and escorted me back. She was a short woman, with a great cloud of blonde hair that was pinned within an inch of its life to her head. Her manner was very prompt as she led me to an area done up like a bedroom, with a changing screen off to the side. "So, how far down do you want to go?" Fabric was draped behind a chaise, hiding the plain wall, and a camera posed before the chaise.

"I hadn't really thought about it." I blushed, "He's going back to England soon and I just thought to send him with something personal so he didn't forget me."

"Well, we can do a few then. He'll like that." She took me around the changing screen, her fingers flying over the buttons of my dress. It and my petticoat were swiftly flung over the changing screen, my corset loosened and bloomers removed. I was left in my stockings, corset and chemise. I suppose part of me should have been embarrassed, but I'd had maids helping me for so long that it was nothing to be in front of her like this. Lucy drew me out from behind the screen, arranging me on the chaise. The bottom of my chemise was tucked up underneath me with the tops of my thighs showing, while the top was pulled down to reveal the swell of my breasts over the edge of my corset. My legs she said were very important, that both needed to be shown and the black stockings I had worn were perfect. The way she posed me though, that made me blush. My legs were stretched out as far as they could, my hair draped around my face and more of my breasts on display that I had ever had before. Lucy ducked behind the camera and spent a few minutes fiddling with it before she returned. "Alright, for the next one let's keep the stockings only."

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now