Chapter Fifteen

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"Whatever is nearby." I turn my back to him and lay my head onto the back of my seat.

I haven't eaten all day and was expecting to eat at the family dinner Milio ruined by bashing his brother's head in. 

KFC is right down the road. I can see it from here. Russia has KFC's everywhere, and they have pretty decent food. 

Milio pulls into an open parking spot and turns off the car. I can feel his eyes rake over me. 

He straightens one of my braids before placing it behind my ear. I turn my head to look at him. 

I look at him dryly, before turning back to the door. 

"Be good." Is all he says to me before exiting the car. 

When he exits, it's like I can let out a breath of air I had been holding in and I instantly feel more comfortable. Take deep breaths. 

I sit up straight and look out of the passenger side window. The KFC is connected to the shopping plaza. 

The restaurant is surrounded by high-end stores. The area is very crowded. People walk from store to store minding their own business. 

I watch people live their lives with no worry in the world. 

I continue to glance around the plaza when something catches my eye. Russian police, and there's two of them. One man and the other a woman. 

They wear thick black jackets and on the back the jackets say "Полиция России". I almost jumped for joy... almost. 

I look at the entrance to the KFC. The door opens and closes, people coming in and out with bags of food. 

All I need to do is get the attention of the police officers and beg them to take me to the US Embassy. 

Then I am safe. They will ship me back to America, and put me into witness protection or something, anything to get back. 

That's when I do it. I exit the car and cross the street. I walk very quickly past the fast food restaurant that my captor is located in, and grab the attention of the officers. 

I mutter the only Russian words I know. "Pomoc."(help) They turn to me with confusion written all over their faces. My American accent is definitely not helping.

The woman turns to me. "I speak English. I went to school in America for a little while." She gives me a small smile and reassures her partner with a nod. 

She is a few inches taller than me. Her uniform looks to be a little too big for her. Her pale skin and dark hair make her fit right into the Russian demographic. 

"I need help. Can you please take me to the American Embassy." I hope, no I pray my husband hasn't left the restaurant yet. 

The woman nods and excorts me to a police car. She lets me sit in the front beside her. "How did you get to Russia?" She looks at me before focusing back on the road. 

"Plane, I am here to get away. Kinda like vacation, but I've gotten stuck and need help getting back. " I don't really want to go into detail with her. 

If the police do work for Milio, I don't want her to know who I am or that I have anything to do with him.

She nods, seeming to understand that it is not really her business. "Nice ring by the way." She touches my hand. 

My engagement and wedding ring sit on the same finger that was just freed from it's cast not even a week ago.

Milio was strategic with the way he had broken it. He broke it to where it healed nice and cleanly, so that now it is as good as new. 

I rip the rings from my fingers, and take down the window, before throwing them onto the streets. I can't have him tracking me with them. 

"How much farther is the Embassy?" I know that we are already in Moscow. 

"A couple of miles we should be arriving within the hour." She replies. 

I take a deep breath, and settle into my seat, making myself comfortable. The ride is quite and peaceful. Too peaceful my nerves are getting worse and worse by the second. 

"This is Milio's country. He controls who comes in... who leaves." Lucifer explained this to me about a week ago while we were playing checkers. 

Milio has been sent to a Russian prison before, so I don't think he can do anything to me while I am in their care. 

I make sure to stay visualant and stay aware of my surroundings. No matter how many sighs I translate, or mile markers I read I still have this feeling in my stomach that this is too good to be true.

Next part is Milio's pov.

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