Chapter Fourteen

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The feeling of being owned hits me like a ton of bricks. My heart beat staggers and I start to feel queezy.

I sit back in my chair with my arms folded and my hands tucked under my armpits.

The heat from the dinning room fire seems to have expanded making me break into a small sweat.

Never in my 23 years of living have I felt so trapped. It is like my mind snapped and the feeling of any type of safety left me. What have I been thinking all this time?

That he wouldn't come back? Why didn't I hide? Change my name and hid like my life depended on it. It doesn't depend on it.

I quietly take a deep breath and try to distract myself.

You are ok Asia you will be ok.
You are not in danger.

I look around the dinner table, but instead of looking at the people seated around the table I glance at the armed men who line the walls of the of the 400 square foot dinning room.

He will not hurt you as long as you do what he says.

Just do what he says.

I just need to stay calm for now.

"How have you been?" Katherine's voice interrupts my thoughts.

All eyes are on me, but I can't focus on anyone else.

She sits across from me, her elbows rest on the table in front of her. Her eyebrows are arched and she stares into me with her terrifying dark brown eyes.

How did I not notice it before. The subtle features that they both share. I definitely have a type.

Her face shows no malice just interest. I lick my dry lips, before parting them to speak. "I-"

Was this his plan all alone where you helping him?

Before I can get another word out the sounds of glass breaking and screaming erupts.

I immediately stand to my feet. Everyone at the table except for me and the kids go toward the screaming, everyone has guns and are wear serious looks on their faces.

"Pilnuj żony Pakhan." One of the guards shouts.

I look in the direction of the scream, but my line of sight is coverd by a group of armed guards who surround me, their backs are turned to me as they watch the direction the scream came.

Their guns are aimed at the hallway.
The scream turns into shouting then the sounds of more things falling.

A guard comes out of the hall.
"To tylko pakhan."

Slowly all the guards put away their guns down and walk back to their places on the walls.

Once they step back I can get a better look at the situation.

I watch as Milio walks out of the hall. His hands and his white shirt splashed with the color maroon. Nikita runs out from the hall and starts to hit him.

She screams at him in Russian while throwing her fists against his chest.

Milio takes the hits, but is clearly getting annoyed by Nikita's outburst and language toward him.

Guards pull her off, but she continues to spit things in their native language.

Milio points at her before saying something back, in russian, that makes her end her fit completely.

Her children still sit at the table watching as everything unfolds. I feel bad because whatever Milio said seems to be bad.

It is really traumatizing for even me to see him covered in who evers blood that is, imagine how the children feel seeing their uncle like that.

Nevertheless they just sit there with blank faces.

Once she is out of his way, he makes his way towards me. "Milio w-."

He snatches me up by my wrist and pulls me to the exit. My fight or flight pushes me to want to pull away from him.

"Don't fucking try it." He yanks me into him and wraps his arm around my waist so that he has better control of me. 

Everyone just stands by and watches until we have disappeared out of the house completely, and the front door slams harshly behind us...

The security pulls up with the car and gets out.

Milio opens the passenger side door and waits for me to get into my seat, only to buckle my seatbelt for me.

Once I am in he slams the door closed and gives me a warning glare, through the window, before walking away from the car and back inside of the house. 

Soon after coming in, he comes back out, with a black bookbag that he tosses in the backseat once he is inside of the car.

He gives me a quick look over and then puts the keys back into the ignition.

I turn away from him no longer wanting to look at him. He covered is specs of blood that spray over his face and shirt.

My confusion gets the best of me and I open my big mouth.

"What did you do?" I stare at his side profile. His perfect cheekbone jumps and I can tell that he is clenching his teeth.

I notice that he has a small cut on his lip that he didn't have before. "I killed Dimitri Angel. Beat him to death." He turns to me with a blank face.

We keep eye contact for a moment, but I am quick to look away- I don't want him to see the disgust that I feel.

"Why?" I question quickly wanting to take it back.

His own brother, at a family dinner. My heart skips that is why Nikita was screaming.

"He disrespected you."

I look back at him to see that he is already turned away from me. What could he have said to make him have to die?

Milio pulls out of his parents driveway and onto the main road, the smell of blood is overwhelming enough to make me quietly gagg.

The smell goes away once Milio lets down the windows and lets the winter air in.

I give my body a small look over. I notice blood left over on my arm from when Milio touched me.

Disgusted I wipe the smeared blood on my arm onto my pants.

I can feel his eyes raking over me. The car starts to slow until it stops. My head snaps to his face.

Why are we stopping?

He pulls the keys out of the ignition before getting out of the car. I knowsley watch him open the door to the back seat of the car and start to strip.

He starts with his shirt that was once white and replaces it with a clean black one. He then cleans his hands using a water bottle.

Once he is done he wipes his hands and face with the white shirt before discarding it onto the side of the road.

He comes back to the front seat and smiles at me before asking me what I wanted to eat.

Please point out any mistakes.

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