Chapter Thirteen

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Milio slides out a chair for me and allows me to sit before sitting beside me. Extended family also sit at the table along with the normal croud.

Most of them I don't know. They certainly know me I can tell by the stares and respectful nods they have at least been filled in on who I am.

Underneath their stares I feel under dressed in my jeans and see through blouse. At least my hair looks decent in a slightly messy bun.

I sit up a little in my seat and ignore the eyes that are on me.

Little kids run into the dinning area interrupting the low sounds of chatter.

There are four of them three girls and a boy. The boy is the oldest standing taller and more mature than the other three.

The girls all seem to be maybe a year or two apart in age difference starting at age 10 and ending at 7.

I have never met them before, but I would hear Nikita and Alexandria talk about them here and there in short conversation.

They are Dimitri and Nikita's kids. Nikita snaps at them in Russian and they quickly settle in their seats.

Once the children are settled everyone starts to talk again amongst themselves.

Nikita now takes the time to introduce me to her children. "The boy is Fitz. This girl..." She points at her oldest girl who is sitting in between me and her. "She is Alendra."

Then she points at her last two who sit beside their father. "They are twins Galina and Anya."

"It is nice to finally meet you guys." I smile at the children.

"Just so you know twins run in the family Asia." Nikita smiles as if she had just said the most wonderful thing ever.

"You have beautiful children." I change the subject. Internationally rolling my eyes.

She give me a knowing smile proud of her creations.

I look to Milio, but is not even at the table anymore he must have gone while I was distracted with all the kids. I also realize that his brothers and father have gone too.

"He will be back in a little while." Alexandria interrupts my thoughts with her meddling in my mind. "You know our men." Her eyes wrinkle together, her forehead creases, and her lips morph into a smile.

I don't dislike her I just feel like she and the rest of her family set me up.

Even though Milio would have found me anywhere and didn't need my approval of his family to snatch me... I still feel played.

And my heart is still healing from the situation with Katherine.

I smile back at Alexandria. Then intertain myself by playing with Milio's niece.

She can barely speak English, but she enjoys drawing pictures of me. In her drawings she makes sure to put great emphasis on my dark skin, she colors me in with a very dark brown crayon. I assist her by adding small details like my nails and lips.

We are interrupted from our drawing when the sounds of a crying baby geting louder and louder.

I look up and see Katherine. As beautiful as ever. She wears blue jeans and a white t-shirt. Her choice of clothing makes me feel less underdressed.

She is cradling a crying Alex. Before she has the chance to sit she is hugged by Alexandria.

"Hey mom" Katherine greets her mother , hugging her tightly from the side while still minding the cry baby in her arms.

Alexandria just coos in Russian and takes Alex from her hands she quiets down almost instantly.

I sit awkwardly not really knowing what do or say. I remember my punishment the day we left America.

A harsh beating for saying no, and a thorough fucking to get Katherine out of my mind and heart forever.

To say it worked is a little bit of an understatement. Until now I haven't had any real thoughts about her. No feelings for her...nothing.

The only thing I mourn for now is the life I was forced to leave behind, the things I am no longer aloud to do, everything that has came had to an end forever. Basically my freedom.

She is a constant reminder of my freedom.

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