Chapter Two

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Today we are going to Katherine's mother's family dinner. Katherine's family know me as her bestfriend and roommate. I have come to a couple of family dinners.

Most of them are constructed by her mother to get the family together every now and then. Katherine's family seem pretty cool. I haven't met everyone, for instance I haven't met her oldest brother and have only seen her father once.

I remember when I came to the first dinner. Katherine mother made me feel so welcomed and from that day on I am expected at every family dinner.

Family dynamics is something I never really got to understand. I grew up with my grandmother, because my parents died when I was eight. Then my grandmother died when I turned seventeen leaving me alone to figure out things for myself.

After all the fuck ups I think I have still done pretty good for myself. "Come on Asia you know she will kill us if we are the ones who are late."

I give myself one more look through in the mirror. Today I decided to wearing a knee length black dress. I grab my bag and we leave.

Katherine's family is Loaded with money. The family home his gigantic with Chandler's in every room. The house is beautiful when it comes to the parts that I have seen.

As soon as we inter the mantion we go to the dining room. The dining room has a long table in the middle of it. Some of Katherine's family where already seated. Her siblings Dmitri, Pavel, and Nikita.

I sit in an open seat across from Pavel that was next to the head of the table this head of the table is alway vacant. The other head is for Katherine's father.

I make sure to greet everyone before I officially take my seat. I always sit at the same seat every family dinner. The first dinner Alexandria guided me to this seat and has told me to sit here ever since. Nikita sits beside me and Katherine beside her Pavel and their mother across from them.

"Is he coming I know he is in America?" Katherine speaks up. We have been sitting at the table for a little while so I guess we are waiting for someone. I think we are waiting on their father because both ends of the table where he sits are empty.

The table is silent for a couple of seconds before her mom answers her. "Yes, he is the one who called for the dinner." Their was a static silence before the kitchen door is open to reveal their father and Milio. heart stops. I feel like I am about to have a heart attack. Turning I look away from him and at Dmitri who is smiling. He stands and daps up his brother. Pavel does the same. Nausea sets in when he sits down beside me.

I feel his intense stare all over my body. I feel sick. When I pull away from the table to stand my hand is tugged back down. "Where are you going?" His voice is calm, but I know he is close to blowing up. I look down at his hand that is griping my arm.

"The bathroom." I speak calmly in almost a whisper. I watch as he beckons for a maid.

"Help my wife to the bathroom." Bile slowly creeps up my throat.

Reluctantly I stand and follow the older woman to the nearest bathroom. As soon as the bathroom door is closed behind me I start to hyperventilate. He's not dead.

So he left me. Did Katherine set me up? All of these years I thought he was gone. I wipe my face, and decide to go back.

The closer we get the more we can hear the conversation that is going on. It is in Russian so I don't understand, but I know that the voices belong to Katherine and Milio. I hear a door slam then silence.

My heart beats faster when I inter the dinning room. I notice that everyone has left. Only Milio sat there at the head of the table smoking a blunt. I look behind me and see that the maid is gone.

"Sit." The food is placed on the table, and I see that my plate is already all made up. I do as I am told. He watches me. "Are you scared Angel?"

He is different scarier more angry. It feels like he hates me and that makes me uncomfortable. I take a deep breath. "Your different." He doesn't saying back, he just looks at me. I grab my fork and push around my food. "Can I get more wine?" I beckon for the maid.

"Tell me when" she starts pouring. I wait until she gets close to the brim, then I tell ber to stop. I go to grab my wine when it is snatched from me.

"Eat." I pick back up my fork and take a piece of grilled chicken on it before sliding it into my mouth. The food looks good.

My plate consists of grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. I eat slowly. Eventually I gain the courage to get a good look at Milio. His attention is onto his phone, so I don't think he notices my staring.

His hair has gotten longer, and he has a small beard on his face. He has a shit ton of tattoos, they are present on ever part of his exposed skin except for his face.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize he was looking at me again. "Come here."

I go to him. He puts me in his lap. He immediately grabs my face and starts kissing me.

I know what the consequences are, so I kiss back.

Disgust, I should feel disgusted. How dare he come back into my life five years later and kiss me again like shit is sweet.

His soft pink lips pull mine in. He pulls away from the kiss and my lips are left numb.

I hear a sniff. He is sniffing my hair. I can feel his nose resting on the tip of my head.

He pulls up my dress bunching it at my hips. I hold my hand out on top of his as a puny way to get him to stop.

I instantly regret it when I am lifted up, my stomach kisses the cold surface of Milio's family's dinning room table.

My ass is in the air and my feet barely touch the floor. My breathing escalates. Milio stands behind me holding me by my waist, pushing me more into the table.

I fight to get up, but am met with a smack on my ass. "Please stop." I scratch his hands with my acrylic nails, but it doesn't seem to faze him.

"This behavior is fine for now." His tone is calm. He continues to do what he was doing before.

"Eto novaya.(This is new.)" He comments on my thigh tattoo that is of a snake. I let his fingers trace over it.

He touches my breast with the same hand keeping the other on the small of my back. "These are also new." He means my nipple piercings.

Tears Cascade down my face and onto the wood of the table.

It is like he is trying to learn my body again, his hand traveling places no man but him has touched.

Why is he doing this to me? Will he let me go back home? Will we get a divorce? Will he hurt me for sleeping with his sister? I push all of these thoughts away to keep from having a panic attack.

My thoughts go back to what Milio is doing. I watch his hands continue to caresses my body until he got to my left hand. "Gde kol'tso?"

(Where is the ring?)

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