thirty two

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You and the others stay near Bokuto while Hotaru drives to the hospital. It's quite dark outside, and with hardly any lights on the road, she does only the best that she can. And as for Bokuto, he is staying awake, but you're too anxious that he might bleed out that you can't seem to take your worried eyes off of him.

Just then, the road ahead begins to get bumpy. You look over towards Hotaru and see she's struggling to control the RV.

"What's going on?" Kuroo yells as he runs to her side.

"I can't see the road. It's dark and there's no lights. I' don't think we're on asphalt anymore."

Akaashi and Kenma then run over to Hotaru's side to act as extra sets of eyes.

"What's going on?" Bokuto asks you. He's a bit too out of it to have been keeping up with the conversation. 

"Hotaru is trying to get you to the hospital safely, don't worry," you attempt to sound reassuring, though he can tell right away it's only a facade. 

"Are you okay, Y/N?" he then questions. 

"Huh?" you reply, caught off guard. Why would he be worried about you when he's the one with the iron pole sticking out of his leg?!

"You've got blood all over you. What happened?" he elaborates.

"Oh, I'm fine," you shake your head. "It isn't mine."

An awkward silence then befalls the two of you as you both realize what you just said sounds a bit insane.

"No, no, it's not like I went on a murdering spree or anything I just... had to do what I had to do to get back to you guys..."

Bokuto's face softens as he hears your explanation. A slight smile threatens to upturn the corners of his lips. "I'm glad you're safe," he hums. "I was worried about you."

"You could say that again," Kenma scoffs as he begins to walk towards the two of you.

Bokuto's body tenses up with uneasiness as though Kenma's about to rain a whole hurricane of humiliation down onto him. 

Kenma crosses his arms as he takes the seat beside Bokuto. "He was basically in tears because he had absolutely no faith in you and Hotaru." 

"Eh?!" Bokuto gasps. "No, it's not like that at all!"

"Well," Kenma drawls. "What is it then? Enlighten us."

Bokuto looks a bit shocked at Kenma's little manipulation game, but sighs and decides to play right into his friend's hand. 

"I just didn't know what Jun was going to do with you. After you left he told us that the two of you were going to be 'super useful' to him and I just didn't want either of you to get hurt," he sighs.

"That perv," you scoff as you're forced to think back to your night with that absolute creep.

Your conversation is soon ended by a loud banging sound coming from behind the RV. Next, you hear whooshing as though air is escaping from a tire before the camper comes to a complete stop.

"Shit," the three in the front curse at the same time.

You open the window behind Kenma and Bokuto and see nothing but complete darkness. However, Kuroo runs right outside and passes by the window to go check on what's wrong. But it's only a matter of seconds until you hear more yelling and cursing. That leads Akaashi to run outside after him.

When the three of you glance over at Hotaru, she stares back with an empty look in her eyes. "No way," she mutters. "I can't more the camper. We're stuck."

Your eyes shift back at Bokuto who still has an iron rod stuck in his calf. This is not good.

"Clear some room!" Akaashi's voice breaks out as the door is ripped open. Kenma stands up and runs over. You watch as his mouth drops and he runs outside.

When the three who left come back inside, Kuroo's being held up with Akaashi and Kenma on either side of him.

"What the hell?!" you whisper to yourself as you observe the way Kuroo is limping. There's a huge gash right across his knee and blood trickling down the rest of his leg.

"He can't walk at all," Akaashi huffs as he draws closer to the sofa.

"Hotaru, call Saeko for help!" you shout just before grabbing the first aid kit.

Akaashi and Kenma sit Kuroo down beside Bokuto and the first thing your two patients do is look at each other and scoff.

"Who's the dumbass now," Bokuto mumbles, hoping he's too quiet for Akaashi to hear.

"Oh shut it!" Kuroo snaps. "At least I've still got one good leg."

"You're both idiots!" Akaashi grumbles. "Now be quiet and do as Y/N tells you!"

"Yes, boss," Kuroo grumbles. However, as he looks up at Kenma his entire body tenses up. You aren't sure what kind of expression Kenma's sending him, but it's got him absolutely frozen.

"What happened?" you ask Kuroo as you begin to treat his leg with the somewhat angry-looking Kenma to help.

"Tripped," he mutters. "I don't know what it was since there are no goddamn lights out there, though."

When you're done fixing up his wound, you clean up the rest of the small cuts and bruises scattered throughout his leg. Just as you're finishing, you hear Hotaru get in another fit of rage.

"Shit, why won't this damn thing work!"

Akaashi walks over to her as the rest of you wait for a bit more context than that. You silently pray that she isn't talking about the phone in her hands.

"We have a problem," she groans as she looks over to you. "I don't have any signal."

"Check the other phones!" Kenma suggests.

Akaashi grabs the bag of goods and begins going through all of the phones with Hotaru. One by one they toss the phones aside with no luck. None of them have a single bar of service.

"Now what," Hotaru sighs nervously. "This is all my fault, I'm sorry you guys."

"It's not," Akaashi shakes his head. "Four of us can still walk. We'll just have to split up and find a signal."


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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now