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"Riiiight..." the guy I met at the store begins as he watches Y/N and the other girls walk away. "So, anyway, my name's Kin. Nice to meet you guys!"

"Yo," Kuroo nods to him. "So what exactly is this theme?"

"Ah, nothing crazy. Just body paint," he tells us. 

Kuroo and I look at each other, both with the same thought about how awesome that's going to be. The four of us then follow Kin as he leads us closer towards the motel. He stops just in front of a set of stairs and sits down. We watch carefully as he reaches under the seats and pulls out a whole array of body paint tubes of different colors.

Kin lets out a puff of his cigarette and tosses each of us a color. Kenma catches a red as Akaashi's tossed turquoise. Kuroo and I then receive pink and yellow respectfully. As for Kin, he keeps purple for himself.

"Right," he then says as he places the remaining paint bottles under the table. "First, you gotta strip."

The four of us all look at him in confusion, not putting two-and-two together right away. Kin's quite able to see this and decided to go first. He lets out a huff as he stands up, releasing a bit of smoke from between his lips. He then grabs onto his shirt and quickly pulls it over his head. Just as calmly and swiftly as he had stood, he sits back down.

"Go on," he then tells us with a bit of a smirk, "how else you gonna get the paint on?"

 Ah, he's right! I think as I'm the first to strip off my shirt. I then turn to my side where Akaashi's standing and smile as I hold out my yellow paint to him. He's a bit hesitant, but agrees to paint me, and after I return the favor. I do a pretty great job, too, drawing two huge wings on his back.

At the same time as us, Kuroo and Kenma do the same. Right when we're done, almost as if on cue, a whole group of girls comes running up to us. They're covered in paint, too. One of them specifically runs right up to kin and kneels down right in front of him. I watch as she offers to paint him. That's nice of her, he must know her.

But then when I see her lean up and kiss him right on the lips I'm a bit confused. What about that little red-haired girl? I thought they were together?

However, I'm soon pulled from my wonderment as two girls come up to me, clinging onto my arms, and compliment Akaashi's paint job. I thank them politely, though it's a bit strange that they're clinging onto me like that. Where's Y/N?

"You buncha perverts!" I suddenly hear Hotaru's voice scoff disappointedly.

I look over past Kuroo and see the three of them walk over. It hits me almost immediately that the three of them are in nothing but their undergarments. As my eyes slide down Y/N's body- totally accidentally- heat and blush consume my face. The moment I realize that Y/N's practically naked I turn away. But what the hell, she's in front of everyone else like that, too! That's a first...

When I look down at the girls clinging onto me, I realize that they, too, have hardly any clothes on. I'm about to shake them away, but they disappear as the red-haired girl walks up to me.

However, she walks right past me to Kuroo and smiles brightly as she places her hand in his. "Hey there," she smiles. "Almost forgot to tell you guys before but my name's Akane."

I don't really pay attention to what happens next. Once those girls from before are gone, I walk over to Y/N and Hotaru. However, they give me a dirty, disgusted look and I've got no idea why.

"Wha- what's that for?" I ask them.

Y/N reaches her hands to my arms and slowly turns me to where I just came from. There, right where I was just standing, is Kuroo with the redheaded girl's tongue down his throat.

{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now