twenty eight

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Saeko goes quiet as she pulls you close to her. She hums to herself as she strangely twists her body before pressing something cold up the outside of your thigh. When you look down your eyes catch on the shine from a silver steak knife just before she lifts up the side of your dress and tucks it under the waistband of your panties.

"You're super pretty, you know," she giggles as she fixes your dress casually.

"What the hell is that for?" you're able to whisper thanks to being pushed up close to her.

"Just play along," she replies quietly before speaking louder for the others here. "Well, Y/N, you and your friends oughta come up to my room!"

You look over at Rei and Kane, knowing the decision lies with them. They look at each other for a second, coming up with an answer they both agree with silently before glancing back at Saeko.

"Leave isn't necessary," they hum as they grab onto her arms.

"Yeah, well, I like the privacy a bit better," Saeko chuckles.

"Alright, love, whatever you want," Kane shrugs. "We'll go with you."

Saeko then beams and throws her arm around Rei as she spins to face the exit of the pool area. You and Kane follow behind as Saeko giggles and whispers to the poor blue-haired girl who looks like she still needs a bit more to loosen up completely.

"God, this girl is gonna be work," Kane grumbles as she leans her head on your shoulder. You really wish she wouldn't, you do quite honestly hate her guts. "Good thing we've got you tonight."

"Mhm," you reply with as much of a smile as you can muster. "Yeah, it seems so..."

Suddenly, you and Kane witness Saeko abruptly push Rei into a utility closet and shut the door behind herself. Kane's attention snaps and she runs right over to bang on the door and attempt to open it up, but it's locked.

You feel your heart beating out of your chest. Is this why Saeko gave you the knife? You can feel its cold steel pressing against your warm skin, sending direct goosebumps to that area.

"Rei!" she shouts through the thin door, but all that's heard back is muffled screaming.

Kane then spins back to you and narrows her eyes. "What the hell did you do!" she shrieks.

"Stay back, Kane," you warn her as you try to think of some other plan besides the one horrible one you can think of. "I mean it."

"No, you little shit! You're supposed to listen to me! What the hell did you tell that girl when you were whispering to her! Don't think I didn't notice how you-"

"Oh my god do you ever shut up?!" you shriek as you grab the knife tucked away and allow it to glisten in the harsh lights above you. "You talk way too damn much!"

With that, you run right towards her and stab her in the gut. Thanks to your extensive medical training you know where to hit her that won't kill her but will prevent her from chasing after you. You then back away, shocked by what you did as Kane falls straight to the ground.

"Done out here yet?!" Saeko's voice booms as she slams open the thin, white closet door with her foot so easily it was like Kane hadn't even tried to open it before. But all you notice is that she's got Rei held tightly in her grip, one hand over her mouth and the other around her waist.

Saeko steps over Kane like it was just a small bump on the floor. "Nice, you got her! Now help me knock this one out and let's go!"

Rei squirms as Saeko tries to suffocate her, but it takes too long for what you have patience for. Instead, you help out by hitting the blunt end of your weapon against Rei's temple, knocking her out. Just like Kane had done, Rei goes limp. Your brain goes absolutely numb as Saeko drops Rei to the ground and steps over her too.

"Alright, Y/N, snap out of it," Saeko tells you as she waves her hand in front of your face. "We gotta find the others. Where's Hotaru?!"

"I-I'm not sure," you shake your head, still confused about what just happened. "But I think I know where to look."

You run off without looking back to see if Saeko's following you, too scared to be instead met with the motionless bodies of Rei and Kane who probably won't be moving again for at least a few hours.

"Nice going, by the way!" Saeko praises as she catches up to you.

"Why the hell did you bring a knife?! Are you insane?!" you snap back.

"I was suspicious about what was going on and I'd rather be safe than sorry," she explains. "I began getting weird texts from Hotaru's phone saying that she killed someone and for me not to come up here, but the Hotaru I know would have called me and sat on the phone in silence for a long ass time before admitting what she did. She wouldn't have just spammed me like that so I figured something was off."

"Wow, you two are perfect for each other," you huff a bit jealously.

"Yeah, thanks," she smiles as the two of you stop right outside of the lobby. "I already knew that though."

You roll your eyes just before peeking inside the lobby entrance. "Make sure to stay quiet," you tell her before taking a step inside. Luckily it's unguarded like usual.

You tiptoe over to the back room where Hotaru said she found the suspicious door. You slide the bookcase against the wall out of the way and reveal a narrow door lodged in the corner.

"Shit, it's locked," you curse when you see the fastening device just above the doorknob.

"Let me try it," she whispers, and the two of you swap spots. But before Saeko can attempt to pry the door open, the sounds of three voices growing closer fill your ears. It sounds like two men and a woman walking through the lobby.

"Quick! Saeko, get under the desk!"

"Quick! Saeko, get under the desk!"

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now