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After dinner, your group leans back and thanks Hotaru for the meal. She happily replies that she was happy to help, but makes sure to note she won't be the one to clean up. Everyone agrees, it's only fair of course.

"So," Akaashi sighs after finishing his glass of water. "What is this party that you've been blabbing about all day? Why do you want to go so badly?"

"We talked to that couple Bokuto and Y/N ran into at the store," Kuroo explains. "Apparently, it's such a big deal that the owner of the motel let them book out the whole place for this party!"

"That does kinda sound fun..." Hotaru agrees.

"We're not going to hear the end of it if we don't let you go, huh?" Akaashi asks.

"Don't even think about it," Kenma sighs. "We can't let these idiots go to some random ass party. They're gonna get themselves killed or something... You know what, let them go."

"Really?!" Kuroo and Bokuro beam and look back over towards Akaashi.

"We'll go but only if we can find it. We don't even have any solid directions to get there."

"And if we want to get there we're going to have to drive a lot tomorrow. We better get our rest," Hotaru thinks aloud, to which you and everyone else agree.

Kenma and Kuroo agree to clean the dishes for the group so you say goodnight, wait in line to wash up, and then head up to the loft with Hotaru. There, you quickly change and hop into the surprisingly soft bed.

"It was cute watching Bokuto climb up the ladder all nervous to come up here and talk to you," she whispers, giggling.

"I'm turning off the light now!" Kuroo interrupts.

"K!" she replies. "See ya tomorrow!"

"Night," you and Kenma both add before the lights turn off.

"Anyway," you then whisper to her in the dark, "I was trying to study when he came up here."

"Oh yeah? How was that?"

"He looked super confused," you chuckle. "It was pretty cute."

Once more Kuroo shouts out but from further away this time. "Stop gossiping and go to sleep!"

"Save up on rest for your big party tomorrow night," Hotaru yells back.

"Oh, I will!"

You and Hotaru share a laugh over Kuroo's excited response. You then wish her goodnight and close your eyes. However, after about a good half an hour of trying to fall asleep, you're just wide awake. As much as you wish it wasn't true, you're feeling a bit guilty from taking so much time off of work. You really do deserve a break, you probably just need a bit of time to adjust.

Calm down, Y/N, it's not like you're going to get fired or anything...

Nonetheless, your thoughts only serve to worsen your ability to sleep so you decide to get up and descend the ladder. On the bottom floor, you shuffle along in the dark to the bathroom. You know you're getting fairly close when you hear soft snores presumably coming from Kenma, though you're a bit shocked he's the only one.

Inside the bathroom, you turn on the light and splash some water on your face. After a few minutes of cooling yourself off, you walk out.

"It's fine," you hear Kuroo's voice quietly hum. "You've got nothing to be so damn nervous about now go to sleep of Y/N will hear us and yell at me!"

Though you think Kuroo's sentence was a bit strange, you ignore him and go back up to bed where you struggle for a few hours, but eventually fall asleep.

{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now