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On Thursday evening, as planned, Jun knocks on the door outside of your RV. Kuroo answers it skeptically but allows Jun in. As he takes his spot in the chair under the television, as per usual, your entire group watches him in anticipation of knowing up-to-date information on the party you're about to crash.

"Grab yer towels if you plan on goin' in the water 'cause it's pool night," he grins directly at Hotaru.

"You're kidding, right?" you ask suspiciously. "Isn't it always technically pool night since it's beside the pool?"

Jun shrugs, a huge smirk grows across his lips before he speaks. "Why are you asking me? You've got a cute little bikini to wear, right? You shouldn't really mind."

"Oh, fuck off," you roll your eyes.

As you look away from Jun, you find Hotaru beginning to climb up the ladder to the loft so you decide to follow her up.

"Y/N," she whispers as she ushers you over with her hand. "I'm gonna act like I'm not up to going so I can sneak into the lobby after you've all gone with Jun."

"Okay. I'll tell them," you nod before turning to your small suitcase and pulling out a black two-piece. You then climb down and, while doing your best to ignore the look Jun gives you as you go past him, walk up to Bokuto. "Hotaru says she's laying down for a bit. She said she might pass out and I think she's got a migraine. I'm going to go change and look for some medicine in the bathroom."

The guys nod, already understanding what you're talking about after that previous conversation you had the day before. You then walk off and slide the bathroom door closed and locked behind you.

Once you're done changing, you walk out and notice the guys are now in their room rifling through their things to find something to wear. It's the last situation you want to be in, but the moment you get into the main room you're hit face to face with Jun.

"Here," he grins as he holds out a bottle of aspirin in the small space between the two of you. "It's for Hotaru's migraine."

"Oh, thanks," you smile a bit worriedly as you look down and accept the medicine. There's no way in hell you'd actually consume that.

When you pick your head up, you notice that Jun's back to his typical perverted self, giving you the once over. You roll your eyes and ignore him (a better option than punching him the fuck out right now) before quietly walking past and climbing up the ladder to Hotaru.

At the top, you toss her the small bottle with a smile on your face. "From Jun," you tease. "He wishes you a speedy recovery."

"Like hell I'm taking whatever's in this," she chuckles quietly.

"I wouldn't either but just keep it up here so he doesn't get suspicious!"

"Will do," she nods. "Good luck, I'll see you later!"

You blow her a kiss goodbye before climbing back down the ladder and finding that the guys are already ready to go. Bokuto catches your eyes last, and it's a good thing, because once you find him you're unable to take your eyes away. White shorts paired with literally nothing else besides shoes, socks, and his beefy figure is a great look on him.

Little do you know, since your eyes are glued to his body rather than his face, that his eyes have been on you from the start and aren't likely about to move to anything else. Not until, that is, Kuroo nudges him in the arm and you're both snapped out of your trances.

"Oh, uh, Hotaru said she's not feeling well. She wants to stay behind tonight and get some sleep."

Jun shrugs. "Her loss," he hums as he pulls his shirt over his head to match the rest of your group in your attire.

"Yeah, well, let's just go," Akaashi interjects, changing the conversation.

As your group walks together towards the exit of the RV, you reach out for Bokuto's hand and link yours with his. Mindlessly, he intertwines his fingers between yours. He doesn't want to get separated from you, and this will make sure you won't leave him.

Just before leaving, you notice Jun glance up at the loft. You wonder if he's really buying the lie. Either way, you think, it should be fine. What's he gonna do anyway? He'll be with us the whole time.

Luckily, the camper's only a short walk from the Jade Spring Motel, so it's not long until you arrive at the front parking lot. Jun doesn't stop there, though. He continues to guide you and the guys to the back where the party had taken place last weekend. He was right, there are a lot more people in the pool than last time, but that's not to say the outside isn't crowded, too. One wrong step and you could easily get separated from the others.

As your eyes scan the crowd, you realize that it seems to be an even busier night than the last time you were there. You think there are two possible reasons. One: Thursday nights are more popular than Saturdays. Two: They're celebrating with your group's money.

"Y/N," Jun calls over the loud music. "Come follow me. I'll help you find Kin." He then reaches down and gently takes you by your free hand.

"No way!" Bokuto shouts back. "I'm not leaving her alone with you! I'm coming, too!"

"Dude, she's not your girlfriend. Stop being so damn overprotective. I think she can take care of herself, don't you agree?" Jun replies slyly.

You look over at Bokuto, curious as to what his answer will be. He looks back at you nervously as he considers his response.

"I, uh... Okay, if you say so," he finally agrees quietly.

"It's alright," Kuroo joins in just as Bokuto's grip is loosening on your hand. "Kenma and I will look for Kin, too!"

"You and I can look for Akane," Akaashi adds. "That way we're all in pairs. We'll all be safer that way!"

"Okay, great!" Jun smiles as he takes advantage of Bokuto's hesitation and rips you away from him. "C'mon, Y/N."

He's really laying it on thick with saying my name. He must want something from me...

Jun pulls you away from the others, guiding you through the crowd with purpose. It's only a few short minutes later until the two of you find Kin as he trudges out of the pool.

"That's him, right?" Jun whispers in your ear.

"Yeah? Know him?" you ask as you watch the black-haired man step out of the water.

"A bit," he sighs. "Let's go talk to him before he gets away."


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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now