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It took a little while to find the exact location of the motel despite Bokuto's big help in pointing out every sign along the way. It was almost eerie, all of the LED signs prompting a motel out in the middle of nowhere, but whatever. Your group was already here and you weren't going to back down now, not after coming all this way and spending your entire day just to get here.

When you finally do arrive at the motel, Hotaru pulls into one of the only empty spaces left. Your little group then enjoys a bit of take-out as you wait for the sun to go down. Then, after changing into more 'party presentable' clothes, you step out of the camper beside Hotaru and Bokuto.

As you walk towards the entrance of the motel, the couple from the convenience store waves their hand and ushers you over to them.

The red-haired girl bounces over to you and takes both your and Hotaru's hand in hers. The red both across her cheeks and in her eyes is unmistakable, especially paired with that smell of weed fresh on her skin. "I'm so glad you guys made it!" she beams, smiling directly at you. "And wow it's great I met you out here 'cause you're not dressed in the party attire!"

You look between this girl- whom you still don't know her name- and the man with black hair beside her. They're both dressed normally, leading you to question what you're not seeing.

"What is the attire?" Hotaru asks.

"I'll show you inside!" she giggles. "I've got to get ready, too!"

The girl then begins to pull you and Hotaru towards the motel. You turn back briefly to look at the guys who are equally as confused as you are. Bokuto waves a bit sadly as you're tugged away, definitely the most distraught out of the group. You return the look with a small grin that promises you'll find him again soon.

Once the guys fade from view, you and Hotaru are pulled into a hotel room.

"So what is this mysterious theme?" she asks again. "You could have just told us before, you know."

"Oh! Sorry... I didn't want to give away the surprise too quickly. It's body paint!"

You and Hotaru look at each other clearly both equally as lost and growing a bit suspicious about this girl.

"Bodypaint?" you ask. "We should go back and change then 'cause we decided to wear nice clothes..."

"No need," she giggles, pulling her shirt over her head. "You don't need 'em."

You and Hotaru look away from the redhead in separate directions.

"What are you doing?" you ask as your eyes stay glued to the floor. "We don't even know you..."

"Hey, wait a second. Did I not introduce myself? Hm... My name's Akane! And all of this is part of the party, silly," she giggles.

Suddenly, faint music arises from somewhere in the hotel; a sign that the party has officially started outside.

"Akane, what kind of party is this?" Hotaru asks as though she already knows the answer but is hoping she's wrong.

"Huh? Why is a play party!"

"A what?!" the two of you gulp as you look at Akane directly now.

"Oh, you know... Like a sex party!"

"Um, I think you've got the wrong idea..." Hotaru says as she takes a step backward. "I'm engaged!"

"That's okay!" the red-haired girl assures your friend. "You can still hang out with us... You don't have to get involved so long as you're respectful!"

Looking over at Hotaru, you can see she's quite uncomfortable. However, before you can say anything to her, Akane pipes up again.

"Really, it's fine! I'm not going to pressure either of you into doing anything! It's supposed to be a good time!" she tells you as she reaches for something in the pocket of her skirt.

{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now