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Wednesday, the day before your plan to crash the next party at the Jade Spring Motel with Jun, comes pretty quickly. Your group has spent a lot of time with Jun who, thankfully, does a pretty solid job at helping you loosen your nerves. Personally, you still don't particularly like him, but he's doing well to prove himself. As for Bokuto, he seems to really like the guy. Especially after Jun had let your group raid as much of his grocery store as you wanted.

As you and the guys play a simple card game at the dinette, Hotaru approaches and squeezes into the space beside you. Right at you look at her you can tell she's extremely tired. To be fair, it's been hard to sleep at night for all of you, but she looks especially restless.

"I'm worried," she tells the group.

"Why?" you ask a bit anxiously. "What's wrong?"

"I can't stop thinking about how Jun is the only other person we've seen in this town. And does it bother anyone else that everything looks abandoned as hell?!"

"We noticed that when we first went to the grocery store," Bokuto agrees.

"I think I want to check that hotel lobby out again and see what information I can get. I want to find out what's going on around here," Hotaru explains.

"Why?" Kenma asks. "I looked last time we went and there was literally nothing."

"I know, but it's the only thing I can think of. There has to be some kind of hint that tells us about this town!"

"It might be a good idea, Kenma," you interrupt. "I'm still a bit skeptical about Jun. If he tries to pull something it might be smart to get some intel of our own where we don't rely on him."

"If you ask me, I don't think there's anybody else in this town except those that show up to the parties. If that's true then Jun might be one of them. Please just let me go and confirm that I'm wrong. We're stuck in the middle of nowhere. We need to figure out what's happening..."

"I agree," Akaashi nods. "Hotaru, do you want me to go with you?"

"No," she shakes her head. "If more than one of us disappears, Jun might get suspicious."

"We can tell Jun you're sick or that you had a bad experience last time," you add. "With a bit of convincing he'll probably overlook the whole thing."

"Wait, why are we keeping this a secret from Jun?" Bokuto asks as he grabs a bite of the snack before him. "He's been nothing but nice to us... besides being kind of a creep."

"We don't know for sure, except for the pervert part, but it might be smart if we don't completely trust him," you explain.

"That's right," Hotaru nods.

Bokuto seems to agree, narrowing his eyes as he recalls Jun's attitude towards you on the day you had met him. After that, the others continue to talk about Hotaru's plan, but you excuse yourself and step out of the camper. Kenma had driven and stopped the car in the parking lot of one of the dozens of abandoned buildings in the surrounding town.

You sit down on a parking bumper and twirl the ring on one of your fingers. You can't believe how this whole situation became such a shit show. All of your money is gone, too. What the hell are you supposed to do when you get back? How are you going to pay your bills next month?!

Just then, the camper door opens, and Bokuto steps out. "Hey," he calls quietly, reading the atmosphere surrounding you as he sits beside you. You smile quickly back at him, not too much in the mood to hold a conversation.

"Are you okay?" he asks cautiously, his tone sounding a bit worried as well.

"I'll be fine once we get out of here," you sigh.

"You said the other day that you lost everything..." he begins.

"Yeah, but it's not just me. It's you and everyone else, too," you explain.

"That's right," he grumbles. "Everything I have is probably gone by now."

"Don't you have some kind of security for your account since you're like, famous?" you question.

"I've got no idea," he shrugs. "Maybe?"

You smile at his innocent answer and tilt your head against the side of his. "Staying here makes me feel sick," you admit. "I just want to leave."

Bokuto hums in agreement and wraps his arm around your shoulders, hugging you slightly. "I know how you feel. I honestly don't feel that great either," he tells you as he shifts his legs a small bit away from you.

For a few moments, the two of you sit together quietly. The fresh air and his warm company were almost enough to allow you to forget everything that was going on around you. Almost, but not quite. Especially when the door swings open again and Kenma stomps down the stairs.

With a frown, he trudges over you and sits down on your free side. Poor Kenma, you think, he's been super on edge lately. This whole situation has been especially pissing him off.

"I'm sorry to interrupt whatever romantic nonsense is happening out here but I do not want to be inside anymore," he pouts.

"Oh?" you grin slightly. "Why not?"

"Kuroo won't leave me alone," he admits as one of his eyebrows twitch. "I can hardly ignore him anymore because I'm so damn distracted. The others don't help either. Why do they have to piss me off?!"

You wrap your arm around Kenma and rub his shoulder. "Don't worry," you tease. "Kuroo just loves you. He doesn't mean any real harm."

Kenma immediately tenses up. "Don't say such bullcrap," he huffs. "You can't even admit to your own feelings, what are you to talk amount someone else's," he whispers to himself, though you can hear him pretty well.

You nudge him gently before deciding to change the conversation. "Think you guys are ready for tomorrow night?" you ask in reference to the Thursday night party you intend on crashing.

"Obviously," Kenma scoffs. "I want to get in there and murder whoever took our stuff!"

"And I'm gonna punch the hell outta Kin!" Bokuto adds.

"First we need to confirm that it's him. We can't just go in there and beat him up without reason. But then, yes, we can beat the hell out of them," you grin.

Suddenly, Hotaru hops out from the RV and smiles at the three of you. Kenma groans and mumbles something under his breath.

"'Kaashi and I just cooked some soup so come in while it's hot!" she sings before disappearing back inside.

Bokuto smile and stands up, holding his arm out to help you up as well. With a thankful smile, you take it and stand. You then turn around and look down at Kenma who's still sitting and pouting.

"You're lucky, ya know," you remind him, causing him to look up at you and see that you're now extending your hand to him. "You've still got your phone and your games. I've got nothing so I have to listen to them twenty-four seven."

"That is true," he nods. "I wouldn't wanna be you right now."

Your eyebrows knit together at his smart-ass comment. "Why you-"

"Hurry the hell up, will you?!" Kuroo suddenly yells out of the window.

Kenma quickly accepts your hand and stands up. However, he then hurriedly walks to the camper without saying anything more. Bokuto rubs your back consolingly as he ushers you inside as well.

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now