This Will Be Great / Twenty - Two

Start from the beginning

Not because he told me to but surprise that he said 'please'. 

"Did you just said the word 'please'?" I burst out chuckling, getting a shush from Madam Pince, which to that, I quickly shut my mouth but was laughing quietly.

Draco sighs again, rolling his own eyes this time. 

"Will you plea-" he stops himself.

"You almost said it again." I point at him, laughing quietly which made him impatient as he's just about to get up and leave. 

I immediately grab onto his forearm out of reflex, "I'm just joking, come on."

I recoil my hand that was holding onto his arm after I said that. Quickly but slowly.

"But be quick. I got to finish this before class."

I focus on his face and body language as he draws in a long breath, relaxing his face but this time more serious. His eyes shifting glances around the library.

This is making me more nervous than it should be. I never feel like this when he's around me or when it's the other way around. This is one of the new feelings I have been feeling for the past few weeks.

Nervousness is one of the thing that I never felt around him.


What?! Wait- what?!

"What? I didn't catch that."

Oh, I heard it bright and clear.

He blew out his cheeks as his fingers play with the rings that were wrapped around them.

"Will you go to the ball with me?" he asks, looking into my eyes this time.

I froze, wide eyes, feeling butterflies in my stomach. 

Is it actually happening? Is this real? 


His eyes lit up.

I stop myself before I get too loud. "Yes, Draco. I will go to the ball with you." I smile widely covering my mouth, putting my other hand over his. "Just don't forgot to wait for me at the entrance of the hall, okay?" I plead.

"Okay." he smiles widely as I nod at him and went back to face my notes, feeling giddy and happy, I might say.

But before he walks off, he turns back to me and kisses me on the cheek which caught me out of surprise.  

Did he...?

I looked at him and caught a sight of his face before he turned on his heels and walked out of the library. I can feel my face heating up after that as I look back down onto my notes.

He did.




Looks like I did everything right. She looks excited and happy so I guess, I tried hard enough this time. This kinda puts a bit pressure on me when it comes to her. 

She's different. She's funny, she's neat, she's cheerful but very angry too, I might add. She always gets on my nerves which only happens because of me, she's attractive, she's-


I stopped in my track.

Woah, woah, woah, WOAH! Calm down, Malfoy. Don't go too far with that. This is just a bet. 


I was discussing about this with Theo at breakfast about her and how to ask her out for the ball which he just tells me shove off and do it myself so I just asked him if somebody has already asked her.

"Actually yeah." he nodded, smirking, "Some boys from Durmstrang, maybe like 5 or 6, some 3 Beauxbatons boys and a girl too," his eyes widen, "some more lads from here asked her a week ago but it looks like she declined them all." he shrugged.

"Looks like someone got to her already." he smirks.

I can feel Hela eyes on me but I dare not to look at her. She might be reading my thoughts which scares me a lot but she didn't seem upset or anything. 

She just looked tired.

"Someone already asked her? Who?!" I questioned, sounding defensive.

"How am I supposed to know that?" he fired back, "I just saw her rejecting them. You need to get your witch before she say 'yes' to anyone, Malfoy. Everyone seems to like her." he chuckled as he drink his tea.

The ball is in a week so I just have no choice to ask her before anyone get to her again so I can finish this bloody bet soon. 

I can feel a heavy weight left my chest after that thought. 

This will be great.


so goddamn flat

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