It's Complicated

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Agny served breakfast; Scrambled eggs with bacon, beans and toast, something too American. It was a quarter past seven in the morning and she was already too fresh, the music from the radio accompanied her while she hummed the well-known melody. She turned, plate in hand, and found her granddaughter walking into the kitchen. "Hello, dear!"

"Good morning, mormon!" Anni-Frid came over and kissed her on the cheek, her mood was quite good this morning. "It smells delicious."

"Sit down." She did as her grandmother requested and took a seat at the table in the middle of the kitchen. She had to rush to get to the bus in fifteen minutes. "How did you sleep?"

Anni-Frid hid a smile as she chewed the first bite. The truth is that she had a hard time at first because she'd keep thinking about what happened during the night, but then she dreamed all night about that amazing boy, that's why she had a good mood. "Uh, very good actually."

The grown woman giggled as she sat down with a teacup in hand. "Yes, you are as fresh as lettuce," she pointed out. "What time you arrived? I didn't hear you. Well, though, I had to take those pills again," she grimaced before sipping her tea.

Anni-Frid stopped eating and automatically became concerned. "Did you feel bad again?" she asked with concern. Agny suffered from migraines and although she was controlled sometimes pain would return and the medication she took was very intense, so much so that it put her to sleep.

Agny shook her head slightly. "Nothing to worry about, I'm fine now," she assured.

"Mormor, if you felt bad you would have told me and I..."

"No, no darling," she hastily interrupted her granddaughter. She didn't want her to feel guilty or stop doing her things for taking care of her. "It was actually long after you left. It's no longer a case, I'm fine. Forget what I said. " Agny caressed her cheek, that good humor of hers seemed to be fading. "Better tell me, how was the party?"

Anni-Frid sighed and continued with her breakfast, she was worried that Mororm would get sick, she seemed strong but Anni-Frid herself had witnessed those horrible migraines and how her grandmother could collapse. "It was... it was very good," she said softly.

"Aha..." Agny encouraged her to continue.

She smiled subtly. "There were a lot of people, you know. Especially for the boys."

"What boys?" she looked confused.

"Yeah, Benny and the guys in the band."

Understanding appeared on Agny's face. "Ah! Now I remember you told me that Benny plays in a band. Is it good?"

"I don't know, you tell me... it's the Hep Stars," she replied,

Agny raised her eyebrows, but frowned a second later. She'd definitely heard of those guys, and the rumors as well. "Oh, now I understand. And I thought I had seen that Benny boy somewhere else."

"That's funny," she said with a giggle. "Because I had never seen him before. Although I've certainly listened to their music, not so much though, you know it's not quite my style. They are very... scandalous. "

"Yes, it is well known," Agny sipped her tea with a thoughtful look. "So it was like a concert."

"Something like that, let's call it a small concert, but there were enough people. The crowd was crazy."

"And did you like the show?"

Anni-Frid felt her heart jump. That if she liked it? Benny dedicated a song to her, she didn't just like it— she loved it all! "Yes, they do know how to play after all," was her reply. "Besides, the boys are nice."

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