Going Fast

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Benny opened his eyes to meet a new day, he stretched and his muscles relaxed even more, despite having the curtain open the light that entered was scarce because it was cloudy outside. He sighed and placed his hands behind his head, closing his eyes again. Five more minutes before getting ready for school wouldn't go amiss. But his calm was short-lived. Suddenly he was aware that someone was speaking on the other side of the door. Was it Eva? she was muttering something he couldn't understand, but then his father's voice joined in, then his mother saying "leave him alone!" Benny didn't understand. He got up and fixed his hair because it was a mess. He opened the door and three pairs of eyes fell on him, instantly they fell silent.

"May I know what's going on? I was trying to get some more rest," Benny said with a frown.

"Why? What did you do last night?" asked Eva-Lis, she didn't hold anything back, if she wanted to know something she asked and that's it.

"Eva!" Her mother took her by the shoulders. "Let your brother go get ready."

"You want to know too, mother, I know!"

Benny raised an eyebrow. "I don't get the mystery."

"The mystery has a first and last name," Eva looked at him triumphantly and Benny only got more confused.

"I do not know what are you talking about."

"Tell him, mom! Or I will."

Laila rolled her eyes, now she realized that she made a mistake by talking about what happened. They all looked at the woman. "Nothing, son. I'll tell you later."

Eva-Lis rolled her eyes and snorted. "Yesterday someone named Anni-Frid called you. Is she the girl you've been dating?" she dared to say it once and for all. Laila looked at the ceiling asking for patience, her daughter was too curious and even nosy.

Benny suddenly turned serious. Anni-Frid called? But when? Maybe her grandmother got sick again. "When did she call? Why didn't you tell me? Is she fine?"

His parents looked at each other, surprised by his reaction. "Yes, yes, she is fine. I suppose."

"What she said?"

"Well, she called when you were out with the guys, she didn't say anything to me, she didn't even leave a message," Laila explained. Benny relaxed, it was before they saw each other and not after he dropped her off at her house, which meant that she and her grandmother were fine.

"And that's the mystery?" he asked incredulously.

Gösta, who had been silent until now, spoke up. "Are you dating that girl?" Laila glared at him; he didn't have to meddle in their son's business if he wasn't willing to share it yet. Benny looked away; What was he supposed to tell them? obviously the truth, but the insistence bothered him.

"Son, it doesn't matter. It's speculation from this pair," Laila interfered. "It's okay of your friend calls."

"They are right," Benny finally said. "I'm dating Anni-Frid."

"HA! I knew it!" Eva-Lis jumped up and clapped her hands, very proud of herself. Benny rolled his eyes. Of course she already knew that he was seeing a girl, but didn't know who the girl was.

"My life, that's great!" Laila said genuinely happy, Gösta also smiled widely, apparently proud of his son, Eva-Lis kept bragging that she knew.

"I was going to tell you later. This is just getting started," he explained, suddenly feeling uneasy about how he and Anni-Frid were the center of attention. How would she take it when he told her that his family already knew about their courtship?

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