Rich Man's World

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Accompanied by his bandmates, Benny carefully listened to the manager's instructions. The Hep Stars would be going on a mini tour for twelve days in the big cities of the country, those must be good news, but the dates were just around the corner, which meant he will not be able to attend Anni-Frid's presentation, even he'd be on tour during his birthday.

"Can't it be in January? Once the year starts," he commented, although he knew it was impossible because everything was already settled.

Emil, his manager, looked at him disapprovingly. "You know that can't be done."

"It's too soon, and you just let us know." He tried another tactic. All of his bandmates exchanged glances between him and Emil, Benny had a point. "Personally, I already have things scheduled."

"This is your job, Benny," Emil pointed out sternly. "What other more important things do you have to do?"

Keeping his word and going to Anni-Frid's presentation, he couldn't fail her. "That's my business."

"Well, your business is interfering with our business." The blond man put his hands on the table, in a position of authority. "Then it concerns us."

Benny pursed his lips; saying that he couldn't go because he promised to go to his girlfriend's presentation would not be reason enough to cancel the plans. "You just... could have brought it up before, geez!"

Svene sighed, he could imagine the reason for his friend's attitude. "It's okay, Benny. It's only twelve days anyway, it'll be over soon."

Emil looked at him gratefully, sometimes dealing with these guys was a nightmare. They were all temperamental. "Tonight the dates will be announced on both radio and television."

Tonight. Benny had to go find Anni-Frid as soon as possible so that she would find out from himself and not from the radio. Benny shook his head, there was nothing he could do. "When do we go?"

"Next Wednesday."

"We'll have fun." Jane added. Of course they would have fun, being on stage playing was his favorite thing in the world, but being with Anni-Frid was special too, Benny couldn't imagine how disappointed she would be to find out that he couldn't go to her performance or dance with him.

Before going in search of his girlfriend, Benny first had to pick up Eva-Lis from her art class as he promised. It was past six in the evening, in two hours the tour would be announced and he had to hurry. He arrived at the building where Eva was already waiting for him along with a group of friends, she ran to the car with the backpack on her shoulder. "Hey brother!" She leaned out the window.

"Just get in and let's go." He got to the point.

Eva-Lis rolled her eyes. "I need to ask you a favor."

"Eva, sister, I'm in a hurry."

"You said you had the afternoon off."

"Not anymore. But what is it?"

With a small nod, Eva-Lis pointed to her friends waiting a few meters behind her. "Can we take Betty and Emma home? It's going to rain and they can't walk back."

Benny hadn't noticed the weather; it was cloudy and windy, about to sleet. "What about their parents?"

Eva-Lis rolled her eyes in exasperation. "They won't come, fool. Will you? We can't leave them to their fate, Emma took me home once, remember? We owe her the favor."

Benny sighed with resignation, she was right on both counts, besides his sense told him to take them, it was the most sensible thing to do, even if it meant arriving later at Anni-Frid's. "Okay." He watched as his sister returned with her friends and the girls hurriedly got into the car, looking very relieved that he was taking them home, and also happy; from time to time they asked questions about the band and giggled. At another time Benny would have liked female attention, but right now he couldn't think of anything else but getting to meet Anni-Frid.

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