Story Of A Heart

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It was a rainy summer night, the traffic on the streets was particularly slow due to the adjustments the Transit team had to make after the catastrophic storm the day before. And it was exactly due to this storm that Benny was forced to return home, the worry would not stop until he checked for himself that everything was fine... although Anni-Frid insisted that it was not necessary at all.

After a five-hour drive on the highway, and having to extend it because he still had some adjustments to make, Benny arrived in Stockholm a little after eight. The first thing he did was go home and inspect every corner; as his fiancée said, everything was in perfect order. Benny left the suitcase in the room and took an express shower, dressed in a hurry and went after his girl to surprise her.

Benny drove a strategic route to avoid traffic as much as possible. Although, luckily, the place was not far from home. In a red light, as if set by fate, a man under a large umbrella was selling flowers. Benny honked his horn and the man hurried over. "Hello!" The salesman greeted.

"Hey mate, could you give me the biggest bouquet?" Benny asked when he rolled down the glass in the passenger window, some water seeped in, but nothing he couldn't dry up afterwards.

The man reached into his huge wheeled basket and pulled out a bouquet of different types of colorful flowers all mixed together. "Do you like this one, sir?"

Sir. That was fun. "It's perfect," Benny replied. The bouquet was like her; versatile, colorful, delicate, big in mind and spirit. Benny took out his wallet and paid the amount the man indicated, took the bouquet and put it on the passenger seat with a smile on his face.

The fine dining restaurant was packed, typical for a Saturday night. As soon as he walked in, Benny's ears were blessed by the angelic voice of his sweet fiancée. Benny stopped right there as his heart leapt with excitement, his smile turned wide at her as he looked at her. Could she be more beautiful? Anni-Frid, up on the small stage, was singing like angels a jazz piece that he heard her rehearse at home over and over again. And she did it extremely well. It wasn't a surprise at all, but it was beautiful to be able to witness this moment:

I'm mad about the boy,
I know it's stupid to be mad about the boy,
I'm so ashamed of it but must admit,
The sleepless nights I've had about the boy...

Oh-oh-oh, on the silver screen,
He melts my foolish heart in every single scene,
Although I'm quite aware that here and there,
Are traces of the care about the boy...

Her voice was velvet, she was a sorceress and everyone was under her spell. The diners exchanged glances between their dinner and the beautiful chestnut singing. That's my girl, Benny smiled even bigger with pride. Then it happened, she found him. Benny saw the flash of surprise in her eyes, and the attempt at a smile on her lips, but she held it back, fighting to focus on her work. From his position, Benny winked at her, a gesture that she imitated immediately and with that they sealed a pact. Benny went to sit down to enjoy both the food and the music.

After what seemed like an eternity but also a shooting star ride, Anni-Frid walked off the stage completely satisfied after receiving the warm applause from the audience. This was another night that she would keep in her heart. Three months ago, she began a tour of the Swedish parks, it turned out to be a journey that would change the way she delivered music, she learned and grew in the process, and tonight with her new group she closed this chapter, as the band made a three-week deal with the restaurant; one of the most luxurious in the city. With this, she would take a short vacation and then return to prepare for the next national contest that could lead her to record an album with one of the biggest record labels in the country.

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