Break, Broke, Broken

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"It's all part of your damn nasty show!" Benny yelled angrily, his face totally red by the effort, his finger pointing at Christina who didn't seem offended at all.

After the encounter with Anni-Frid, Benny desperately searched for a solution, the truth is; there weren't any. He could sue the publisher, but that wouldn't erase the damage done, his Anni-Frid was broken and it was all his fault, for letting it go this far, as she herself mentioned. He should have set limits a long time ago, made Christina stop, he didn't want her in his life. Once he gave her all of him and she shattered him. Benny was desperate and beyond angry. So he went in search of the woman who put him in this situation, his feet led him to Christina's house. He didn't care about the snow, or the cold, or the wind. Instead, it seemed to dampen his anger, but not enough. As soon as he saw her he unleashed the beast, and she, as steadfast as ever, gave him a fight.

Christina lifted her chin, not being intimidated by him. She had him exactly where she wanted; with her, even if angry, she'd find a way to appease him. "You're looking for revenge in the wrong place, Benny. I have nothing to do with this."

"You..." his breathing was labored, his blue eyes were shining and his face was completely flushed. "You knew the press was there, that they would catch us."

She shrugged her shoulders. "The press is everywhere. Anyway, it's not the first time we've gotten into trouble."

"No, not 'we'! It's not about us."

"Sorry? You forget that my photo is there, my name."

"Come on, Christina." Benny chuckled with hands on his hips. "You've always loved attention, you live for it."

"But it doesn't mean I want a scandal."

"However, that's not the real point."

Christina crossed her arms. "Sure, right? The point here is that that little girl you have for a girlfriend made a mess out of this and you're screwed." She watched him grow more enraged and there she knew she strike home. Christina internally applauded herself.

"That's what you want, isn't it?" He took two firm steps toward her, consumed by rage. "That I leave her, that I come back to you. At this point you should know very well that the flip-flop that I throw away I will not pick it up again." He looked hard at the girl he once loved.

"Why are you so hard on me?" she asked in a painful whisper. Benny feared she would start crying.

"You made it very clear to me that I can't trust you." He responded bitterly. Benny still remembered the day he found her in the arms of another boy. Benny had never felt as shitty as he did on that occasion.

"It's been months. Seems you didn't care for me as much as you swore, you soon found my replacement." She accused him.

"No, she's not your replacement, she's absolutely nothing like you." He remembered Anni-Frid; her eyes, her lips, her smile, the sound of her voice, the softness of her hands, the warmth of her body. She was an angel, his angel.

"How boring it must be for you."

"Stop it, Christina!"

Christina moved closer, it was enough to raise a hand to touch him, but it'd be dangerous at this moment. "What are you here for, Benny? You know I can't repair anything, in any case you have the power. Why are you here? To unleash your fury?" Her eyes fell on his lips, its taste and texture deeply tattooed on her. "You always come back to me. You should ask yourself what you are really looking for. You can find freedom in me, Benny. I know what this life is like. I never claimed anything, the girls are part of you, if she can't comprehend..."

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