New Feelings

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In the solitude of her bedroom, Eva-Lis drew in her special sketchbook. One of her talents was precisely that; the drawing. From a very young age she discovered her taste for pencils and the great need to capture on paper the shaper of her thoughts. Gösta used to buy her sketchbooks every month end, he even enrolled her in an art school in the afternoons, she enjoyed it quite much. Tonight she felt particularly inspired, so better take advantage of her endless imagination. Eva-Lis was lying on her stomach on bed as the pencil reproduced the image on the paper, slightly pursing her lips. But all tranquility was interrupted when the door to her bedroom opened.

"What's wrong with you?!" She yelled at her brother, clearly annoyed at the intrusion. "Haven't mom and dad taught you to knock on the door before entering?!"

Benny rolled his eyes dramatically, not that he expected his sister to welcome him so happily with open arms, but as soon as he stepped foot into her room she yelled. "I am sorry."

"You should be sorry," she snapped, referring not only to this but to their argument from last night. Benny sighed in resignation and walked out closing the door, then knocked. Eva-Lis made a face of annoyance. "Ridiculous, just come in."

Benny opened the door again and entered the room. A few minutes ago he left Anni-Frid at her house after having an amazing evening together in honor of her birthday, while they were saying goodbye she said "I hope you work things out with your sister" and that is exactly what Benny intended to do, that is why he was here. "Are you busy?"

"Cannot you see?" She continued with her art. Benny shook his head and sat on the edge of the bed. "I didn't invite you to sit down."

"Enough, Eva!" he exclaimed in exasperation. "I come in peace."

"You better, or I'll kick you out of here."

"That won't be necessary, I promise," he softened his voice. "I want to talk about what happened last night."

"And I want to forget it," she murmured, pushing the pencil harder against the paper, getting angry at the memory.

"We can forget it once we talk about it."

"I swear you look like a gentleman in your forties sometimes," she snorted. "Although it's fine, that is cute."

"I am cute," he gave her a smile but she kept an expression of total boredom. "Well, the thing is, I'm really sorry. I didn't want to argue, much less hurt your feelings. Sometimes I just say what I think without measuring the consequences, I didn't intended to attack you, sister..."

"But Louis," she interrupted.

"Yes, although not attack in the strict sense of the word," he grimaced. "But it makes me angry how he is with you, I don't like that he is playing with you, I don't want to see you suffer for him, that's why I said what I said and I keep my word."

She shrugged and closed her sketchbook, not wanting to draw anything anymore. "He called me this afternoon, he wants to meet. But I'm not ready to see his face. I am very disappointed, really."

"You don't have to talk to him if you don't want to. You also deserve some time to sort out whatever is going on in your mind," he paused, even though his sister was only fifteen, she was very able to comprehend things that most of teenagers wouldn't. "I will only tell you one thing; if he is for you, he will stay."

Eva-Lis dropped her head on the bed. This was her first love and she was betting everything on him, but this guy had all the perspective. "I do not know. I'll give myself time. It's not like I'm going to get married and live with him for the rest of my life, though. But you already know..."

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