Christmas Ball

Beginne am Anfang

George: Why are there 3 of everything?

Lorina: George, don't be rude.

Alice: Because 3 different families live here. 

Edith: LOOK! It's the twins. I want to go see them!

Jessica: Alright, but after we get to introduce ourselves to Peter!

Edith and Jessica run over to Dee and Dum, but they walk away too fast to meet them. Boris walks over to Alice. Boris puts his hand on Alice and pulls her in close.

Boris: There you are Alice. Lorina nice to see you again.

Lorina: Boris.

Boris: The twins are looking for you Alice. Peter is getting jealous and Ace is not as cheerful.

Alice: WHAT! Look, I have to go deal with something.

Alice pulls Boris away from Lorina and George.

Alice: How is Peter taking this jealousy?

Boris: Being rude to Ramin and Ralph.

Alice walks over to Peter, who is talking to Ramin and Ralph.

Peter: Where did you first meet Alice?

Ramin: I think in middle school?

Peter: How can you not remember? When I first saw her, it was the best day of my life.

Ralph: That's cool bro, but Alice and I are just friends.

Ramin: Alice won't date anyone.

Alice: Peter what are you doing?

Peter: Defending my love.

Alice: Ramin, Ralph, I'm so sorry. He drank too much tea.

Ramin: He reminds me of someone from your dream.

Peter: She talked about me!

Ralph: That would be weird Ramin, even for Alice.

Alice: Yes haha... totally weird.

Ramin and Ralph walk away from Alice and Peter.

Alice: What the heck!

Peter: I didn't like that you were spending time with them.

Alice: I only said hi to them. I've barely spent any time with them.

Peter: Still, I don't like them.

Alice: You hate everybody.

Peter: I love you! Please dance with me.

Peter pulls Alice on the dance floor.

Peter pulls Alice on the dance floor

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