Chapter 23

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I woke up around 7:00am and I heard Niki moving around in the kitchen. I got up and grabbed my phone and headed through to see her. "Hey Y/n!" Niki said way too energetic for this time of morning. "Hey" I returned but my tone was very sleepy. Niki and I talked for a bit before I went and put on some running stuff and went for a run. I ran down towards the beach and then along the seafront. I then ran back past Will's and quickly went inside and said hi. I didn't stay at Will's for long so I just then ran back home. When I got inside Niki and Tubbo were sat in the living room talking. "Morning Tubbo!" he waved at me and I then crept into my room and grabbed some clothes to put on. I glanced over at the bed and Ranboo was still fast asleep with Caramel in a ball next to him, I smiled a bit and then headed to the bathroom to shower. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw no change, I still felt fat, maybe if I worked out more and ate less, I'll be fine? I finished getting ready and when I went through to Niki and Tubbo, Tommy was there too. We all sat and talked for a while, Caramel was also through with us now so she came and played with Tommy since she knew she could wind him up. I looked at the time on my phone and saw it said 10:00am. 'Strange, Ranboo's not up?' I thought to myself. I got up and walked though to my room. When I opened the door, I saw Ranboo sat on his phone. "Hey! How long have you been awake for?" I climbed into the bed next to him and he pulled me into his side. "Not long, I just wasn't prepared for Tommy's energy yet" he kissed my forehead and started to cuddle into my side more. "You ok?" I asked concerned, he didn't seem ok. He nodded so I gently lifted his head to look at me. "What's wrong?" I give him a quick peck on the lips, he smiled a bit at that. "I just feel like with Tubbo and Tommy being here I don't get to see you as much and we don't get to spend much time together." He looked kind of sad when he said that. I chuckled a little bit "Ranboo its fine, they're your friends you have every right to spend time with them besides I just get on with doing anything" He seemed to smile a bit more when I said that. He sat up a bit more so his face was level with mine and we both started to lean in for a kiss. Our lips connected and I melted into his touch. "Hey Y/n, Ranboo yo- "Tommy just walked in as we were kissing "I'll leave you two to it. We are in the living room so feel free to come through when you finished...that" he waved his hand in our direction and walked back out the door. We looked at each other and laughed. "I guess we better head through then" I shrugged getting up. Ranboo grabbed my wrist and pulled me back and gave me one more kiss, "Now we can go through" he laughed. We went through and joined the rest of them, Tommy occasionally giving us childish looks and making weird noises. We all decided to just spend the day at home and only go out later to get some snacks.


The 5 of them spent the day watching movies, talking and playing games before they all started to get exhausted and split off to their rooms.

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