Chapter 2

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*TW emotional abuse*

I could see y/n tense up out of the corner of my eye. Our father never treated us right when our mum wasn't home and when she was, which was very rarely, she would watch him treat us that way and not stand up to him.

"Where have you two been?"

The voice of the man sitting in front of us was laced with disgust. A shiver went down my spine and y/n moved closer to me a tear starting to form in her eyes.

"uh we just went out and sat on the beach for a while and talked" y/n said with apparent fear in her voice.

He just looked at us and didn't say anything. All of a sudden he got up and walked to y/n and looked down at her.

"You are just like your mother. It makes me sick. What gave you the right to go out without my permission. Why did you feel the need to leave this house without consulting it with me first? Now get out of my sight."

By this point y/n had tears rolling down her face. We went upstairs into my room and as soon as the door was closed y/n just broke down crying. I tried comforting her but nothing would help. I absolutely hated seeing y/n this way.

After about an hour she finally calmed down a bit and went back to her room. I made my way into the bathroom and did my usual night routine and laid in bed and slowly felt myself drift to sleep.


*TW self harm*

I made my way back to my room and looked at myself in the mirror. My face was all red and puffy which wasn't the most flattering sight but oh well who was going to see me besides Niki. Once I heard Niki exit, I grabbed some pyjamas and quickly got in the shower. It was nice to feel the hot water glide over my skin as I washed my hair and body. I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I looked in the mirror and got reminded of my past times seeing all the scars across my body from where I had cut myself. I had been clean from cutting for almost a month but after today that changed. I grabbed the razor from the cabinet and added one cut which slowly turned into three along the inside of my arm, blood slowly trickled down my arm and hand and into the sink. I cleaned my cuts up and gathered my dirty laundry to put in the wash.

I made my way back to my room and just laid in my bed staring at the ceiling before I gradually fell asleep drowned in my own thoughts.

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