Chapter 12

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I'm worried about Y/n. Ever since she had that nightmare, she hasn't been the same. Every time she has one, she ends up waking up crying or screaming. I think Niki and Will are also worried too – I mean Niki had known Y/n her whole life and I think she does know what's going on but yet it scares her still. I want to ask Niki what's happening but I'm worried that I'm overstepping some lines. I want to go to sleep but I'm worried Y/n will have a nightmare again. She looks so peaceful here asleep next to me. I sit there a while longer playing with her hair until my eyes get heavy and I drift off to sleep.

A/N: Sorry it's a short chapter I just wanted to get something published for you. Stay safe and drink plenty. Have a good day/night. <3

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