Chapter 20

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I woke up with a pounding headache and a sore stomach, I'm not sure why. I slowly get up from the bed and walk through to the kitchen to see if we had and paracetamol. None. I grabbed a cup of water and headed through to my bathroom. I rummaged through the medical draw and found a pack of paracetamol. I swallowed one with a gulp of water. I went back through to bed and placed the water on the nightstand. I laid down but any position I laid in the stomach ache got worse. I decided to get up again and go sit in the living room. On my way out I grabbed my phone and a hot water bottle. While the hot water bottle was heating, I tried to look at my socials but the screen of my phone made my headache pound even more. Once the hot water bottle had heated, I grabbed it burning my fingers in the process and headed to the sofa. I placed the hot water bottle on my stomach to try and ease the pain. I turned my phone to the lowest brightness and texted Niki to tell her I wasn't feeling great and to on her way back pick up some more paracetamol for my headache. I laid there for a while longer with a pounding head and a sore stomach which the hot water bottle didn't seem the ease at all. I closed my eyes in attempt to try and calm my head but again I was unsuccessful. Whilst my eyes were closed Ranboo walked through and saw me laying on the sofa.

"Y/n, you ok?" he sounded concerned "You look really pale". I opened my eyes and a shockwave of pain passed through my head and stomach. I shook my head instead of answering. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I asked him to make me some toast in which I was going to see if my stomach ache will allow me to eat any of. I took a few mouthfuls and seemed to go down ok so I had a few more. Once I swallowed that last mouthful, I knew I couldn't eat anymore. I could fee my insides churning and I felt like I was going to be sick, luckily, I wasn't. I took a few gulps of water and laid my head in Ranboos lap. My headache had eased slightly so I tried to get a bit of sleep.


I looked down at Y/n and noticed she had gone to sleep. I was looking at my phone when Niki texted me.


Hey Ranboo, I just

wanted to check how Y/n was.

Has she taken any more paracetamol



Hey Niki

She is currently asleep right now

but I will get her to take some when she

wakes up. She has had some toast

but hasn't eaten much of it.

Ranboo :)

Ah ok I'm now on my way back

home anyways. I will pick some

more paracetamol up for her like

she asked me to.

Y/n started to stir in my lap and I could tell she was starting to wake up, I placed my phone on the side next to me and picked her up so I had her next to me. I had my back pressed against the sofa and then y/n curled in my arms. I could feel my eyes get heavy so I gave in and fell asleep.


I walked in and put my bag in my room. I went through to the living room to see Y/n and Ranboo asleep on the couch. I took a photo of them and sent it to them both. Ranboos lock screen flashed up and I noticed it was a photo of him and Y/n. Y/n's phone also flashed up with the identical photo to Ranboo's. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

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I sent the photo to Will.

Will :D

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Look what I came home too!

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Look what I came home too!

Awh that's cute. Is Y/n ok?

Not sure she is asleep right now. She still

looks rather pale though.

Ok let me know how she is when

she wakes up :)

I saw Ranboo wake up and look at his phone. Seconds later I saw 'Thank you' appear at the top of the screen.

I went back through to my room and called Will and a few other people Y/n is friends with to discuss the final things for Y/n's birthday tomorrow. 

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