Chapter 21

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Niki woke me up around 6am for help getting stuff sorted for Y/n's birthday today, she told me that later there was going to be a meal with our friends at a fancy restaurant so we had to dress up pretty smart, luckily Will had a shirt for me to wear. We decorated the living room up and laid Y/n's presents on the table, Niki did say there was one other present but it couldn't be put out yet. I quickly went and got dressed and as I was leaving the bathroom Y/n had woken up. "Hey Ranboo" she mumbled in a sleepy voice. She held her arms up and got me to pick her up. She seemed much better this morning, I carried her through to the kitchen where Niki had prepared her favourite breakfast. We all cleared our plates in a matter of minutes considering how hungry we all were. I helped Niki clear away the dishes whilst the three of us chatted until Will came over.


Will arrived and we went through to the living room and I opened my presents. Niki got me some streaming accessories and this amazing royal blue dress, Will gave me a new webcam as mine was Niki's old one that she said I could use until I had enough to get my own one and Ranboo gave me this box. I opened the lid of the box and inside were all these small individually wrapped little gifts, I opened the first one to see a birch frame with the photo of us in the rain- my favourite photo. I opened the next one to see this delicate silver bracelet with a little allium flower, since they are my favourite, and Ranboo and I's birthstones. Wrapped in with the bracelet was a necklace with a locket on it, I opened the locket and inside it said 'Keep going! You will get through this!', I could feel tears brewing on my waterline at how cute it was. I stood up and Ranboo put the necklace and bracelet on for me. The next thing I opened was this small box, inside laid this stunning band ring with little gemstones along the centre, inside the ring was the date we started dating, 03/10/2021 (3rd October 2021). I just sat there staring at the ring in shock, I was speechless. I carefully slipped the band out of the box and placed it on my ring finger on my right hand, it fitted perfectly. I got up and gave Ranboo a hug and said thank you. Left in the box was one more thing, an envelope. I looked at Ranboo confused by the envelope. Inside there was a piece of folded paper.

Happy birthday Y/n

I have wanted to tell you this for so long but I was keeping it a surprise till now. I was supposed to be heading back to the US soon but I have cleared it with Niki that I can stay here for as long as I want.

I looked up at Ranboo in complete shock, he had a massive grin on his face.

I couldn't bring myself to go halfway across the world and not see you for ages.

I can't express how much I love you so much Y/n. We have made so many happy memories together and I can't wait to make more with you.

Have a great birthday Y/n!

Love Ranboo <3

I ran over to him and gave him a hug, he picked me up and kissed me, no matter the fact Niki and Wilbur were in the room too. "I love you too". I gave him one more kiss then he sat down with me next to him.

Niki then mentioned there was one more gift. I looked and Ranboo and Will and they both shrugged their shoulders to say they didn't know either.

She came back through with this adorable little Australian Shephard puppy. The puppy had one ice blue and one sage green eye. It was a mix of shades of brown/nude and white. Niki placed the bundle of fluff on my knee and it started sniffing me then decided to lick my face, it then went over to Ranboo and started crawling all over his lap. The puppy then decided to grab Ranboos hoodie strings and pull them so she could chew them. I looked up at Niki and thanked her for the puppy. She told me it was up to date with its vaccinations and that it was able to be taken out for walks once a day until she was slightly older. She then handed me a bag with a lead and collar and some treats and toys for her to play with. I slipped the collar around the puppy's neck then grabbed a toy for it to play with. I had decided to call her Caramel because of her colours. I got up off the sofa and Caramel sat on Ranboos knee and fell asleep from all the excitement, I think she might've taken a liking to him. That nap she took didn't last long. I took a photo of her and posted it on twitter.

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