Chapter 9

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I was sat on the couch whilst Y/n was asleep in my lap. I was beginning to get uncomfortable on the couch so I picked her up and carried her upstairs. It wasn't long till I feel asleep after her.


Everything around me was black. I couldn't feel Ranboo beside me. I felt like I was falling and that my body couldn't move. Then I saw him. The man that ruined my life. The man I hate to call my father. I could hear him telling me all these negative things. "Y/n" "Y/n". I woke up. Ranboo was watching over me panicked. I had tears streaming down my face. I couldn't face anyone right now. I got up and ran out of the room. I quickly put a pair of shoes on. I ran out of the door not bothering to shut it. I didn't know where I was going but I just kept running. Before I knew it, I was at that place that I once called home. And surprisingly his car wasn't there. I just stared at the house. My whole body felt like it was on autopilot. I didn't know what I was doing, my thoughts weren't processing, I was in some form of trance.

I eventually made it back to Wilbur's. They were all outside looking panicked but I ran past them back into the house and to the bathroom. I locked the door then opened the draw which withheld all my pain.


I relapsed. I pulled my sleeve up revealing my arm. One clean slice. Another. And a few more followed. Blood trickled down my arm. My vision going cloudy. I quickly cleaned my cuts up and covered them up. Just as I finished pulling my sleeve down Wilbur managed to pick the lock of the bathroom door. As it opened, I saw three worried faces staring at me. I try to stand but I can't. I try to move my arms, I can't. everything around me all seemed to merge together and before I knew it everything went black.


I woke up in the same place where this all kicked off. Ranboo was there twisting my hair round his fingers. As soon as he saw I was awake he pulled me into a hug. By the looks of things, he had been crying as his eyes were all swollen and puffy. The room was filled with the muffled sniffs from both of us. Tears were rolling down both of our faces. This time when we looked at each other, some form of feelings, and not like the normal feelings you get from looking at a friend. I leaned in. So did he. We kissed. The feel of his lips against mine left a tingling sensation. We both pulled away and looked at each other. But unfortunately, Niki broke the moment by entering the room.

The three of us just sat and chatted for a while. I felt ok now after earlier but my arm stung really badly. Niki then left Ranboo and I so we could go back to sleep as neither of us got much last night.

The one thought kept playing in my mind.

"You kissed him and he kissed you back" ...

Never let me go - Ranboo x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin