Chapter 18

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I woke up again. For around the last 20 minutes I have been trying to get back to sleep. I want to wake the sleeping Ranboo next to me for comfort but that feels too selfish to do. I worm my way out of his grip and walk through to the kitchen. I get a glass of water and down that in a matter of seconds, second glass gone. I looked at the clock and it read 4:30 am. I rummaged around the sides as quietly as possible to find a piece of paper and a pen.

Niki, Ranboo & Will,

If I'm not home when you guys wake up its because I've gone for a walk. I was struggling to sleep and I needed some fresh air to clear my head. I will keep my location on so you all can see where I am.

Y/n :)

I grabbed my phone and keys off the side and opened the door quietly. Once I got outside the cool morning air clung to my face. I walked towards the beach, luckily, we aren't that far away from it. The beach had the odd dog walker on it. I sat there for a while just watching the sun rise over the sea. It was around 5:10 so I thought I should start heading back home. As I was walking back, I saw what I thought was a shortcut to our apartment block. As I was walking down the alley, I could hear footsteps behind me.


Whoever was behind me kept catcalling me. I tried paying no attention to them but as I sped my pace up, they sped up. Before long they caught up with me. Someone blocked the other end of the alley so I had no escape. The guy that was following me turned me around to look at him whilst pinning me to the wall. He started to move his face towards my lower ear/neck and whispered stuff to me. I tried to push him off me but he was much stronger than I was. He started to kiss my neck and then moved to kissing my lips. I wasn't cooperating with him so he tried pulling me into him. The whole time I was thinking about Ranboo and how he'd react. Would he be mad at me? Would he not believe me? Eventually the guy got off me and placed my hand on him in places I did not feel comfortable with. I ripped my hand off him and placed them in my pockets. He tried a few other things but eventually got bored. He shoved me against the wall one last time and then continued walking towards his friend like nothing just happened.


I sank to the floor with tears streaming down my face. I felt dirty, I felt like my body no longer felt normal. I was shaking and everything felt overwhelming. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialled a number. After a couple of rings a familiar voice could be heard.

"Y/n?" I didn't respond. "Y/n? Are you ok?"

"Will, can you come pick me up?" I managed to stutter in between cries.

"Stay where you are Y/n I'm on the way. Is your location on so I can find you?" I could her the panic in his voice.


"Ok Y/n I'm going to hang up and I will be with you as soon as I can get there." I didn't respond but he could hear my tears from though the phone. He hung up and I kept an eye on the entrances to watch out for Will. Shortly his car pulled up and him and someone else ran to me. He brought Ranboo with him. They both ran to my side and saw the wreck I was in. They also saw the cut on my cheek from where I was pushed against the wall. I felt like I could hardly move, Ranboo picked me up and carried me to the car. Ranboo got in the back with me and pulled me into him carefully not to startle me. The tears just kept flowing, it was like a non-stop stream of them. We got back to the apartments and I walked in this time. Niki was sat in the kitchen when we got back. As soon as I saw her, I ran straight to her and hugged her and yet the tears kept flowing. I didn't say anything but I just looked at them all. Niki had tears going down her face, Will looked at me as if to say, 'are you ok?' and you could tell Ranboo had been crying as he had red eyes and they still had that glassy look to them. I got up and went to my room and straight to the bathroom. I put my phone on the cabinet and took everything off and got into the shower. I scrubbed every inch of my face and neck, my hand, everywhere and yet I still didn't feel right. I got out of the shower and wrapped my hair and body in towels. I stared at myself in the mirror and started crying again at how disgusted I felt within myself. I couldn't imagine how Niki, Ranboo and Wilbur felt. I pulled my phone off the cabinet t]and texted Ranboo asking him to grab me some clothes from my wardrobe as I forgot to get some. Minutes later I heard a knock on the door, I opened it just enough for the clothes to be passed through. I shut the door and placed my head against it, little did I know Ranboo was doing the exact same thing on the other side. "Ranboo, can you stay in there till I come out?" I didn't get a response but I already knew what his answer would be. I put the clothes on and then realised that only the underwear was mine and Ranboo gave me a pair of his joggers and another one of his hoodies. When I opened the door, he was there laying on my bed whilst on his phone. As soon as he realised, he put his phone away and opened his arms asking me for a hug. He looked down at me and started playing with a strand of my hair. He could tell I wasn't ready to talk about what happened and I could tell he wasn't going to pressure me into telling him. He kissed my forehead, my cheek where the cut is, my other cheek. He placed a kiss on my hand and looked up at me. There were hickeys from where the guy had kissed me and I could see Ranboo looking at them. Then he noticed on my arm there were bruises from where I was grabbed. He didn't say anything about them though, instead he pulled me closer into him. I inhaled the comforting smell he had; it was a cedarwood smell. I moved my head up a bit and looked at him he was already looking down at me. I wanted to kiss him but I'm worried I've got the timing wrong and this isn't the right thing. Slowly our faces inched towards each other and our lips touched. I melted at his touch and the butterflies in my stomach were doing summersaults. We withdrew from each other and he then placed another kiss on my forehead. "I think I'm ready to tell you guys what happened" He nodded and smiled a half smile. That smile gave me a bit of confidence in telling them. We walked through to the living room to where Will and Niki were sat in silence staring out the window, deep in thought. They looked up as we entered the room. "I'm ready to explain what happened." Ranboo and I sat on the couch opposite them. He took my hand in his and squeezed it telling me to take my time. I looked at him and smiled. I explained everything in detail about what happened. By the time I was finished, the room was filled with quiet sobs and empathetic looks. Ranboo pulled me in even closer to him to the point I was practically laying on him. I nested my face in his shoulder and started crying again. He pulled me into his lap and rubbed his hand up and down my back. All my senses were overwhelmed with everything that my only response was to cry. I whispered to Ranboo telling him I was going to go to my room for a bit of time alone. He let go of me and I went back to my room. I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I then heard my phone ping from my phone. I picked it up and saw Ranboo had texted me.

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