Chapter 11

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The rancid smell of alcohol filled my nose. The smell that always followed my father. He started shouting at me blaming me for the reason our mother was never home. That followed by a slap round the face. I fell to the floor. Again, he hit me and also started kicking me. By this point I had blood running down my face and I think a very damaged rib. Niki wasn't at home and nobody was there to hear my pleas for help. He took another drink out of his beer bottle and walked away. Tears started streaming down my face and I curled into a ball not able to move because of the pain I was in.



I awoke startled tears were trailing down my face. I looked around and then saw next to me a very concerned Ranboo. I then started crying even more. Quickly Ranboo pulled me into him and started playing with my hair and asking me what's wrong. I didn't speak I just moved in closer to him. I'll get Niki to tell him about the nightmares. Quickly I left the room and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I rolled up my sleeves and looked at my scarred wrists. My brain must've entered a form of autopilot because before I knew it, I was opening the draw and pulling out the razor. I added another 3 cuts to my wrists. I quickly came out of my trance and washed the blood off my wrists once I realised what I had done. Then there was some knocking at the door.

"Give me a minute"

I quickly put the razor back in the draw and made sure my cuts weren't visible.


I opened the door and there was Ranboo stood there. He didn't say anything put he just picked me up and carried me to our room and laid me back in the bed facing him. He kissed my forehead and started playing with my hair till I eventually fell back asleep. 

Never let me go - Ranboo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now