"Yes my lord. Phase one was a success, Hector's rebellion succeeded and his followers are in control of the capital. Soon they'll have control of the whole of the country and will force the Americans to act."

"Brilliant. With those pigs distracted we can focus on our offensive while they fight at two fronts." The plan was to have someone not in favor of the Americans to rise up within the Iberian Senate, and turn them hostile against the Americans. This was easily accomplished through the wealth Hector was provided to bribe the guards and convince several of his aligned members to join his cause.

"Begin phase two. Send our fleet to Criterria and the American homeland. We'll destroy their forces and assert our wrath on those beast folk and the Americans."

Around several naval ports along the Britannian coast, massive fleets of brigantines to ships of the line were making ready to depart as they lowered all sails and began sailing off down southeast and southwest to begin their attack on phase two. For far too long had these Americans insulted and ignored their military prowess. Now it was time to show them who really owns these seas as five fleets would join up and converge on Criterria while another six would make for the US's eastern coast, wiping out the Americans and bringing with them the Empire's wrath.

At least so they thought. Their arrogance, egoism, and lust for power blinding them of the sleeping giant they were about to awaken, and fill with a terrible resolve.


"Approaching drop off point in t-minus five." The pilot of the UH-2X called out to the men of Nomad team. They were all clad in jet black combat suits designed with the intention of stealth for covert operations. The entire suit covered the entirety of their bodies, with a black visor and specialized NVGs covering their faces, leaving their identities completely unknown to all.

The suit incorporated a lot of experimental technology developed in secret, capable of changing it's thermal signature to avoid detection from thermal optics, sound suppressants along the boots to eliminate all sound generated by foot movement, and an optic camouflage system that made the wearer near invisible when active, much like a ghost.

The UH-2X was a stealth variant of the Samson helicopter, designed to have a more angular appearance and radar absorbent coating to hide from radar, specially designed fans and an electric engine to reduce noise, and an optical camouflage system around the fuselage.

"Coming up on the shore now. Activating stealth mode." The pilot said as flicked a couple of switches along a control panel as the aircraft disappeared into a shimmer and made less noise as the turbine engine shut down and the electric engine activated. This mode could only last for fifteen minutes at most, due to the immense power consumption by the camouflage system and engine. After fifteen minutes, the system would automatically disengage and start up the turbine, that way the aircraft wouldn't crash due to loss of power.

Nomad Actual began going over their plan of operations. They would be splitting into three teams of five, each with their own objective. Alpha and Bravo lead by Nomad Actual and Nomad Six would drop off near the capital grounds with Alpha taking charge in executing Hector while Bravo searched for the Emperor and his loyalists in the dungeons. Charlie lead by Nomad Eleven would be dropped off elsewhere near one of the residential districts and search through Hector's building within.

Everyone was familiar with their role as Operation Whistleblower began.

The UH-2X pulled to a stop as the side doors opened allowing two teams to rappel down. A gust of wind was generated as both teams could barely make out the sounds of the propeller blades spinning. While the optic camo worked, it didn't hide the helicopter perfectly as their was a noticeable shimmer or distortion where it should be. But since it was night time, nobody would notice unless they were born with natural night vision.

Summoning Freedom (Rewrite) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now