Chapter 36

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Third Person POV

Safania woke up, curled on top of her bed, with the sun no longer streaming through her window. She must have fallen asleep after she got dressed, she realized. It made sense - she hadn't slept much with all the stress surrounding Liasa.

She looked around the room, eventually spotting Cassius in the corner. He was staring off into space, but Safania noticed his hand had some blood on it.

"Are you okay?" she asked, immediately fully awake and concerned.

Cassius turned to look at her. "Why did you tell Orphasius we haven't had sex?"

Safania froze as Cassius's intense eyes searched hers. She flopped back down on the bed. "I'm guessing he told you."

"Oh, he couldn't wait to tell me. He was gloating."

"Is that his blood?" she asked.

"Yes. He's fine. Answer the question. Why did you tell him?"

Safania sighed. "I didn't tell him, he figured it out. I'm not a good liar."

"No, you're just good at hiding things"

"What are you talking about?" Safania asked.

"Were you ever going to tell me that you're a virgin?"

Safania's stomach sank. Of course he would have told Cassius that too.

"It's really no one's business," Safania said quietly.

"So it is true then?" Cassius demanded.

Safania was silent.

"I thought we were working on trusting each other Safania! And then I have to hear that from Orphasius?"

"I didn't want him to find out!" Safania exclaimed. "I didn't want anyone to find out! Do you have any idea how disgusting men get around virgins? And after what happened with Orphasius, I know I was right to hide it."

"What happened with Orphasius?" Cassius asked.

Safania froze. "Nothing," she tried to lie.

"You're right, you are a terrible liar. What happened?"

"I'm fine, Cassius. Just let it go. I don't want you to get upset."

"I'm already upset. What did he do?"

"It was my fault. I snuck out of the wing..."

"You did what?!" Cassius interrupted.

Safania fell silent. Cassius took a deep breath with his eyes closed. He looked back at Safania, his mask of calm back on his face.

"I'm sorry for interrupting. Continue."

"I went to make a cake for Emalina. For her birthday. But when I was in the kitchen, Orphasius came in and...well...he tried know."

Safania waited in tense silence.

"I'm going to kill him," Cassius said calmly.

"No, please," Safania begged. "I wasn't even supposed to tell you. Advisor Melli said..."

"He was there too?"

"He stopped Orphasius, but then he said that if I told anyone he would have me executed for treason, and no one would believe me, and he would cut my tongue out, and, and..." Safania stopped being able to speak. She felt like she had just run for hours and couldn't get enough air in her lungs.

"Safania?" Cassius asked, concerned.

Safania continued to hyperventilate.

"Hey, look at me," Cassius said, sitting next to her on the bed. "Take some deep breaths. It's okay, you're okay." He took some deep breaths with her and rubbed her back until she had calmed down. Once her breathing had finally slowed down, he spoke.

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