Chapter 87

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Third Person POV

"I'm home," Cassius said to Safania as he entered their tent. Almost a week ago, Layla had decided that Safania was stable enough to leave the medical center and stay with him.

"Goodnight Saffy," Emalina said, giving Safania a quick hug before leaving.

"Goodnight," Safania replied, hugging Emalina back. "How was the meeting?" she asked Cassius once Emalina had left.

"It went well," Cassius replied. "I'm not as worried about taking the fort...I'm worried about taking the castle. But taking the fort gives me a good chance to see how the elementalists are in action. I've watched some of their training sessions, and it's intense."

"Yeah, I should probably start practicing again too. But at least I'm skilled in combat so I won't be completely useless."

Cassius stopped taking his shoes off and looked at Safania. "What are you talking about?"

"I know I'm not frontline material because I don't have my abilities down. But I'm still pretty good hand-to-hand and with a sword."

"'re not coming with," Cassius said firmly.

"What do you mean?" Safania asked.

"Are you serious? Saffy, you are pregnant and still recovering from serious trauma. How could you possibly think that you were coming with?"

"So you expect me to just wait here and worry the whole time?" Safania replied.

"Yes!" Cassius said, exasperated.

"But Cas, I can help," Safania protested.

"Yes, you can. By staying here and being safe."


"No buts! You can't come with."

"Please let me come with," Safania said quietly.

"Out of the question," Cassius answered firmly.

"I have to come with."


"You don't understand," Safania said, looking away from him.

"What don't I understand?"

"I need to show him."


Safania looked back to Cassius, her eyes brimming with tears. "I have to show Alterius that he didn't break me."

Cassius's irritation immediately melted. Of course she would want to be there to watch her tormenter meet his demise. Of course she would want to show him that he hadn't won. He watched as a tear fell down Safania's cheek.

"Come here," he said to her gently. She moved towards him and let him embrace her.

"I understand now," he whispered to her as he rubbed her back. "But Saf, what's more important? Our baby or your vengeance?"

"Our baby," she replied immediately.

"Then you have to stay here," he told her. "For both of your sakes."

"But what if I don't even battle?" Safania suggested. "I can help you in other ways."

"What do you mean?" Cassius asked.

"I can make you stronger and faster for your battles," she offered.

It took a moment, but Cassius eventually realized what Safania was suggesting. "No," he said emphatically.

"But I can help you," she argued.

"Safania, I am not using you like that," he replied firmly. "Never." He pulled her close again. "I've been in battles before. I've done a lot of things people would describe as difficult. Maybe even impossible. Do you know the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life?"

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