Chapter 73

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Third Person POV

The journey to back to Peria's capitol was long and particularly unpleasant for Safania, who had begun to have severe nausea from the pregnancy. Emalina was extremely supportive, holding her hair, rubbing her back, and trying to distract her with wedding plans, but Cassius could tell his fiancé was still miserable.

As they travelled, the weather got colder and colder. Eventually they reached a point where snow was still layered on the ground. Spring hadn't quite hit central Peria yet.

When they finally reached the castle, over a week after they set out, Cassius could see the relief flood Safania's face.

"We made it," Cassius told her, squeezing her hand gently. She smiled at him in return.

As they entered the city, it was oddly quiet. "That's strange," Cassius said aloud.

"It's the middle of the day. People are probably working," Emalina said.

"Yes, but I told my father and Edward that they should expect us to arrive today...I wasn't expecting a parade or anything, but I thought we would get at least some kind of welcome," Cassius replied.

The group made it to the castle, where they were let in by the guards. Cassius helped Safania out of the carriage, and the two led the group inside.

Inside the castle was also eerily quiet. The only person in the foyer was Orphasius, who stood leaning against the staircase, fidgeting with something.

"Brother!" he exclaimed upon seeing Cassius. "It's so wonderful to see you. And your lovely fiancé, as always," he said, running his eyes over Safania and making her uncomfortable.

"Where is everyone?" Cassius asked.

"Always so serious," Orphasius replied. "Right down to business, as usual. Fine. Father's waiting for you in his study. Some 'emergency with Irado' or something."

"What?" Cassius asked, his eyes widening. "What happened?" he demanded.

"How the hell should I know? Apparently father thinks I'm of little use in military matters, so he stuck me down here to wait for you. But Alterius is up there with him right now."

Cassius looked to Safania. She squeezed his hand reassuringly. 

"It's okay," she told him. "You have to go. I understand. I'll unpack and wait for you in your wing."

"I love you," Cassius told her, kissing her on the forehead.

"I love you too," Safania replied.

Cassius rushed upstairs to the study, leaving the group behind.

"Would you like some help bringing your luggage up?" Orphasius asked Safania with a smirk.

"I'll manage, thank you," Safania said firmly, moving close to Emalina and Alton, both of whom shot Orphasius dirty looks.

The rest of the group went to the general servants' quarters, but Emalina, Alton, Ari, and Safania all headed for Cassius's wing. Once there, they split up again – Alton and Ari going to the guards' room and Safania and Emalina going to Emalina's.

"I missed this room so much," Emalina said, flopping on her bed. Safania tried to smile, but it ended up looking more like a grimace.

"What's wrong?" Emalina asked.

"I just want to know what's going on with Irado," Safania said. "Are we under attack? Are they on the offensive? Defensive?"

"Saffy, you need to take it easy. The King and the princes know what they're doing. It's going to be fine."

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