Chapter 30

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This Chapter contains references to domestic violence. Reader discretion is advised.

Safania's POV

"When are they going to be back again?" Emalina complained.

It had been three weeks, and the days had gone by glacially slow. The most exciting thing that had happened was when Avus cleared me to not use crutches anymore. It felt weird to walk without the extra support, but I hadn't felt any pain. Avus warned me that I still shouldn't overdo it though. Other than that, it had been a boring three weeks.

"Why? You're missing your lover boy?" I teased.

"You don't miss yours?" Emalina retorted.

"How many times do I have to tell you? We are just friends."

Emalina smirked.

"I'm tired of talking about me anyway. Tell me more about Alton," I said, trying to change the subject.

"What haven't I told you? I told you how we met...boring, just through work. I told you I made the first move. I told you we've been together for two years now, that we've talked about getting married, that we both want children... I even told you about our sex life. What else is there?"

"I just still don't understand. You're so bubbly and cheerful and he's so...stern."

Emalina smiled. "I think he's kind of like the prince. Very serious, but if you get to know him, he lightens up a bit."

I thought for a moment. That was true. Everyone else seemed almost afraid of Cassius, and I had seen him be harsh before. But he wasn't that way with me. At least, not usually.

"Anyway, Alton said he would try to make it back for my birthday, but it looks like that isn't going to happen. So I guess that's why I'm in a bad mood."

This was Emalina's bad mood? A little sulky and impatient? She really was something. I wished I could be like that when I was in a bad mood instead of a raging tornado of emotions. I couldn't help but think that Emalina should have my powers. She would at least be able to control them.

"He might still make it. When is your birthday?" I asked.

"Tomorrow," she replied.

"What! Why didn't you say something?"

"I didn't want to make a big deal out of it or anything."

I shook my head in disbelief. "Emalina, I owe you my life. You deserve more than a day to celebrate your amazingness, but at least let me on your birthday."

She smiled. "You're too kind."

"Come on. Let's do something fun today. Let's go shop for an outfit for tomorrow! You should be able to wear something special on your special day."

"Are you up to that?" she asked apprehensively.

"My leg feels great. Plus, the fresh air will do us both some good. Better than sitting around here waiting." I went to a small box on the table and opened it. "Prince Cassius gave me some spending money before he left," I said. "To give to one of the guards to buy something for me just in case I wanted something they didn't have here."

"Did the prince approve you leaving the castle?" Emalina asked.

"He didn't forbid it..." I said slowly.

Emalina sighed. "So that's a no."

"Why don't we just sneak out? I can protect us."

Emalina gave me a pitying look. "Saffy, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you stick out among all of us pale Northern folk. People are going to know you're not one of us. Or worse, they'll recognize you from the throne room."

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