Chapter 96

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The following chapter contains violence. Reader discretion is advised.

Third Person POV (Zamari)

Zamari finished fighting the guards outside and rushed into the castle. So far they had been clumsy fighters. She hadn't even needed to use her abilities, which was good because she could feel herself getting tired.

Once inside the castle, she felt herself hit with a wave of panic. It didn't matter how many years it had been; countless painful memories flooded her mind. She felt an overwhelming urge to run, the way she had before – to go to Eir, her safe haven.

But this time there was no safe haven. Eir was gone.

She took a series of deep breaths, trying to refocus herself. Do this for Safania, she repeated to herself, until she felt her mind clear.

Three guards ran through a doorway connected to the foyer, noticed her, and charged. She took them down easily, knocking out two and pinning the third. She pulled him up and pressed him against a stone wall.

"Where is the King?" she demanded. The guard didn't respond. Zamari ripped off the guard's helmet, revealing a scared boy, years younger than Safania.

"I'm not going to hurt you," she told him, softening. "Tell me where the King is."

"The th-th-throne room," the boy stuttered.

"Can you take me there?" Zamari asked.

The boy looked at her terrified.

"Can you take me there?" Zamari demanded, more forcefully.

The boy nodded quickly.

"Lead the way," Zamari instructed.

They walked down a long hallway. A group of guards appeared at the other end, charging at the two of them.

"Get behind me," Zamari commanded. She didn't have time for this nonsense. She had to get to Cassius.

She sent a huge gust of air barreling down the hallway, knocking the guards to the ground. "Come on," she told the shocked boy, grabbing his hand and dragging him along before the guards could get back up. 

A familiar darkness wrapped around her, trying to coax her into sleep. She had used too much energy. No, she told herself, fighting it off. It was too early. She couldn't fall yet. Cassius needed her.

"How much further?" she asked the boy.

"It's on th-th-the other s-side of the c-c-c-castle," he stammered.

Zamari closed her eyes in frustration, finding it painfully difficult to reopen them. "Let's go," she told him.

"How d-did you d-do that?" he asked her, frozen in shock.

"I need you to focus, and I need you to take me there," she instructed the boy. He nodded, leading her once again.


Third Person POV (Cassius)


Alterius and Cassius turned to the sound of the woman's voice. Out of the shadows stepped Celine. Her blonde hair had its normal curl, but her typical, ruffled pastel dress had been replaced with a heavy, dark blue gown with silver embellishments. Her simple tiara had also been replaced with an ornate silver crown. She looked beautiful, but she carried a deep sadness with her. Gloom was etched in every corner of her face.

"Celine?" Alterius asked, confused. "What is it dear?"

"My army has arrived," she told him.

"That's wonderful news, love. But I'm handling something rather important here..." he said, turning his attention back to Cassius.

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