Chapter 70

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Third Person POV

"Are you packed?" Safania asked, turning to her mother.

"I'm ready when you are," Zamari replied, throwing a backpack over her shoulder.

"Where do you keep your horses?"

Zamari looked at her. "Saffy, we can't take horses. It's not a good idea for you to ride when you're pregnant. Pregnancy throws off your balance, and if you fell.."

"I understand," Safania interrupted, cursing herself for being foolish. It would take some time getting used to her new limitations. "I guess we have to walk then?"

Zamari smiled. "I have another way that can get us there in less than a day. But it's not particularly pleasant."

"What is it?"

"I might not be able to fly how Agnes can. But I'm getting pretty close."

"Flying? That's less dangerous than riding a horse?" Safania asked skeptically.

"First, it's a bit more like extremely high and long jumping than flying," Zamari explained. "Second, I suppose it depends on how much you trust me."

Safania paused for a moment. "I trust you," she said finally. "Just explain to me what I have to do."

A short while later, Safania was wrapped around her mother's back like a backpack. They had used some ropes to secure her to significantly reduce the risk of falling, though Zamari assured Safania she could use the air to catch her if she fell regardless. Their clothes and other supplies were stuffed together in Zamari's backpack that Safania now wore on her back.

"You're sure you can do this?" Safania asked her mother.

"Have a little more faith in your mother, starfish," her mother replied. "Are you ready?"

"Ready," Safania replied.

Zamari broke into a run, and then leapt. A huge woosh of air propelled her far over the tree line, towards the colorful, sunset-streaked sky. Safania's eyes initially widened in terror as she clung to her mother's back. Zamari glided downward, avoiding trees until she landed softly on the ground, now far away from the camp.

"Wow," Safania said simply, still tied to her mom's back.

"I'm glad you're impressed starfish," Zamari responded. "One of these days I'll have to teach you how to do this. But for now, get ready for the next jump."

With that, Zamari took off running again and leaped past the trees once more, soaring and then gliding to the ground again. Safania, realizing the ropes were holding, relaxed her vice grip on her mother's shoulders.

Zamari continued to run, leap, and glide, using her control of air to push her. But a few hours after the sun fully set, Safania could tell her mother's energy was significantly drained.

"Do we need to stop for the night?" she asked, concerned.

"No starfish, I'm okay," Zamari said, panting slightly.

About an hour later, Safania saw the fort. "It's there mom! You did it!" Safania exclaimed.

"Mmhmm," Zamari replied sleepily.

"Mom, really, we can stop now and just walk the rest of the way tomorrow."

"I'm going to get you there tonight," Zamari replied firmly, leaping once again. Three more jumps later, and they were next to the trees surrounding the fort's entrance.

Safania quickly untied herself from her mother. "Are you okay?" she asked, once she was freed. Her mom was swaying, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"I'm fine sweetheart. It's something that happens when you overexert your abilities." Her mom explained. Then, without warning, she fell to the ground.

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