Chapter 86

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Safania's POV

"What do you think?" Emalina asked me. Three other young girls stared at me, waiting for an answer.

"Huh?" I asked. I hadn't been paying attention to the conversation whatsoever.

"I'm thinking we do a low back to show off your marks. Why hide them here? And I think it would look really nice on you," Emalina explained.

"Oh, sure," I said agreeably. Emalina sighed.

"Girls, why don't we take a break? You can work on generating some more fabric, and we'll meet back up tomorrow."

The three girls nodded. They were earth elementalists, too young to fight in the upcoming battle, so they had been enlisted to help make my wedding dress.

"What is it?" Emalina asked me.

I paused before answering. "Is this a good idea? What if I lose control in front of everyone and hurt someone?"

"Saf, you've made so much progress over the past weeks. Of course it's going to take time for you to heal, but Layla has given this the go ahead. She wouldn't do that unless she thought it was safe."

"But what if something happens at the wedding that sets me off?"

"Then Cassius is right by your side. He knows how to deal with it." Emalina took Safania's hands. "Saffy, it's going to be fine. But you know that if you're not ready for this, you don't have to go through with it. Cassius would understand."

I thought briefly. Cassius would understand. But I didn't know what the upcoming battle with Alterius would bring, and I think he and I both wanted the finality of being married to each other before that happened. As much as Cassius said it wasn't about him possibly dying, I think he felt like if he failed, his child could still potentially take over. But if he didn't marry me, his kingdom was doomed to be ruled by Alterius for the foreseeable future.

Ruled by Alterius. The thought sent a chill through me. What he must be doing to the citizens of Peria...I stopped before I started thinking about what he had done to me. I didn't want to go there today. Today I was planning my wedding. Today I was going to be happy.

"I would love a dress with a low back," I told Emalina, trying to smile. She smiled back at me.

"Great! Why don't we talk about the music? I was thinking we could play songs from Eir. I don't know any of them, but I know a lot of people here do. And then maybe we could throw a couple in from Peria."

I nodded, trying to stay engaged with Emalina's wedding planning. Keep smiling, I told myself. Act happy long enough and eventually you'll be happy. That was what I kept telling myself whenever I felt sad, or anxious, or overwhelmed.

I just wished I actually believed it.


Third Person POV

"How are the wedding plans coming?" Valery asked Cassius as they walked to the elders' tent.

"Fine," Cassius replied. "I think Saffy is a little overwhelmed, but we're both looking forward to it."

"Why not wait until after you get back?" Valery asked. "That would give Safania more time to heal."

Cassius sighed. "I know. Part of me thinks we should...but if something happens to me..."

"I know," Valery said. "It's a smart decision...I just can't imagine what this is like for Safania."

Cassius nodded. The two entered the tent, where Zamari, Ari, Alton, and the elders were already waiting.

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