Chapter 15

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Safania's POV

When I awoke the next morning, I saw a beautiful dress hanging in the corner of my room. It was a deep emerald green, with flared sleeves and some very simple gold detailing on the bodice. I sighed. As a slave I had watched the noblewomen walk around in these kinds of dresses and wondered what it would be like to wear them. But now that I was here, I couldn't even begin to enjoy wearing it.

With considerable effort, I pushed myself out of the bed and maneuvered into the wheelchair, wheeling it up to the window to look outside. In the distance I could faintly make out a group of people sparring. I wondered if the prince was part of that group.

"What are you doing?" a gruff voice asked. My wheelchair was yanked back from the window and turned around to put me face-to-face with a palace guard.

"I was just looking outside," I stammered defensively.

"Stay away from the windows," he responded, expressionless.

"Why are you in my room?" I asked.

"Keeping watch," he replied. "I saw that you were waking up so I left for just a moment to send for Emalina. She should be here soon."

Was there a guard here last night? I remembered Emalina helping her get ready for bed, but I didn't remember anything else after that. The allure of the pillow had been to strong for my exhausted brain and body to resist.

Emalina entered the room suddenly, startling me. "You are relieved of duty Alton!" she exclaimed with a cheerful smile. The two looked at each other just a second longer than would be normal until Alton turned to leave.

"What's going on there?" I asked.

"What? Oh, Alton? Yeah, he is definitely the most attractive palace guard. And also the most loyal to Cassius. He was a no-brainer to be one of the guards assigned to you."

"Assigned to me?" I asked in a low tone.

"Safania, you jumped out a window. And apparently you told the prince that you would rather be free than taken care of. You haven't exactly inspired confidence that you'll stay here."

"So random men are watching me sleep?"

"No silly, they aren't random!" Emalina replied cheerfully. "They're the Prince's most trusted personal guards. And they don't just sit here watching you sleep. They read, do puzzles, random things to keep themselves occupied."

"Emalina, I appreciate you trying to make this sound normal, but this is creepy. And unnecessary. You said it yourself, I can't go anywhere in this wheelchair."

Emalina looked at me with pity. "I don't have any say over this Safania. If you have an issue, you have to bring it up to the Prince. But I doubt he plans on changing his mind."

A maid entered the room with a plate of food. "Breakfast!" Emalina exclaimed. "There's anything you could want - eggs, sausage, muffins, fruit, pancakes, yogurt. Do you want me to make you a plate?"


"You want to make it yourself then?"


Emalina looked at me carefully. "Are you not feeling well?" she asked, her tone suggesting she hoped that was the reason for my behavior.

"I'm not eating until the guards are gone," I replied.

Emalina looked at me concerned. "Safania, you're playing a dangerous game," she warned. "The Prince might be interested in you, but he really doesn't deal well with insubordination."

I crossed my arms defiantly. Emalina shook her head and sighed.

"Okay, but I warned you. This isn't going to go well for you."

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