Chapter 2: Leading by Example Part II

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"Hey! I heard ya were having a party. So I decided I could use some fresh barbeque after hearing you insult one of my clansmen." I heard the growl come from both Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru. "You called him a mutt, right?"

"Ha-ha yeah, that was my bad. I didn't mean any offense to the Inuzuka clan." Why do I feel like I'm being threatened?

"It's fine. I barely even know the guy. But packs stick together, so I'll take your apology for him." Kiba gave me a toothy grin, and Akamaru barked in agreement. Then, with a hard pat on my back, knocking the wind out of me, he let me go.

Note to self: minimal interaction with the Inuzuka clan from now on. I saw Akamaru lift his leg next to my foot. Hell no! I jumped back, and it felt as if I knocked something over... well, I guess someone since I heard a soft cry. I turned around, and there was a girl with short dark hair: Hinata Hyūga. She was rubbing her head from the fall.

"You, ok?" I reached out to her. She bolted up and scurried away from me.

"Yes! I'm fine." Hinata blurted out, nodding her head. I was going to walk away, but she started to talk or rather mumble. "C-can I... I... I um... Never–"

"She wants to come." Sui spoke up beside me.

"Can't she tell me— ow!" I saw Sui's glare, and I wasn't sure who it was directed at. "Sure. Of course, she can come."

Hinata mumbled some thanks before standing a little bit away from the group staring at her hands.

Man, I thought she hated the main branch. Then I felt another strike against my shoulder. "What did I do this time?"

"You thought of something you shouldn't have." Sui said, walking away.

"What your eyes let your read minds now or what?"

Sui just ignored me completely.

"You can't read minds... right?" I started to walk after her, but there was a buzzing in my ear. A very annoying fly took the liberty of zooming around me until it landed on a kid's finger who wore black shades. Shino Aburame.

"You know some species of hornets are attracted to the smell of barbeque." Shino barely spoke, but somehow whenever I heard him, he seemed to always talk about his insects.

"Ok...? I guess that's your way of saying you want to come."

He didn't respond. All he did was stand with the rest of the group.

"All aboard the Yuki express, I guess." I noticed Iruka-sensei had this big goofy grin on his face. "You want to come too, Sensei? I could use someone else to help with the budget."

"Ha-ha. No, I'm broke." Iruka-sensei opened his wallet, and I could have sword a fly flew out of it.

I did not think I could be any more disappointed in you, Sensei. "Then what are you so happy about?"

"I don't know too much about the Uchiha, but from what I remember, none of them ever did anything like this."

"Are you saying I'm not an Uchiha?"

"I'm saying you're Yuki Uchiha, and it's fine to be different. Which reminded me why I wanted to teach in the first place." He walked past the rest of the class, who said their goodbyes to their beloved Iruka-sensei. "Hopefully, I'll see you guys at Yakiniku Q." Then he muttered something as he left. "With another one of your classmates if possible."

What a guy he still thought Naruto could become a shinobi. Welp, that wasn't my problem since I'm already doing my good deed for the day. I looked at the cast of ninjas that were classmates.

We were technically all Genin right now. What a weird feeling. I glanced at Sasuke, who looked as if he could die. It made me chuckle to myself. See, we did need this. There was just one last thing I needed to do before leaving. I needed to tuck those feelings of mine even deeper. I needed to forget my goals, forget about the masked man and what happened earlier today. I needed to control them even more so that I didn't ruin, today. Once they were locked away, I took a deep breath and had a broad smile.

"Who's ready to celebrate finally becoming ninja!"

There was a cheer...or at least what I considered to be a cheer since the only ones with any kind of spirit were Kiba and Akamaru. But it was close enough. We all started to walk as a group towards the barbeque restaurant, and I knew I'd be bankrupt by the time we finished. I felt a tug at the collar of my shirt as I was about to walk with Ino and maybe save Sasuke.

"For once, you looked cool back there." Sui smiled. "Even though I know you're only doing this for yourself." That was the same smile she gave when we first met. It was a smile that carried all the innocence in the world that reminded me we were still children and that it was ok to live a little. She tapped against my cheek. "Try not to blow our first date, ok."

"You know I pictured our first date to be a moonlit dinner, just you and me." I looked at the class that was getting further away all laughing and talking. "Not a barbeque party."

"Ah, so you thought of dating me?"

"I've thought of dating every girl."

Her eye narrowed. "You're blowing it."

"Isn't that the point. I tell a lot of jokes."

"Jokes to us. Truth to you." Sui took my hand and lifted her eyepatch, activating both her Byakugan and Sharingan. I winced within her grasp. A shade of white in one eye and a shade of red in the other.

"Now who's blowing it?" I said with a smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She relaxed her eyes and lowered her eye patch. "Joke of the Uchiha." 

Naruto: The Tale of Yuki Uchiha 7 Year Revamp Volume 1 and 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt