'Now, let's go have breakfast,' he said, turning around. You followed like a dog on his heels.

For some reason, you had expected a large lavish, and dark dining room with a long table where you would sit on opposite ends. Instead, the dining room was bright with similar marble flooring to that of your bathroom. It had many windows looking out over a large grass field and there was a simple round glass table set with food.

You took a seat and almost like a gentleman on a date, Mr. Lee got your chair for you.

While eating you were silent. Unsure of what to say or how to act, and still with your mind slightly hypnotized by his words and presence.

'You have a good cook,' you decided to say when you were finished eating.

'I don't have a cook,' Mr. Lee said as he took a sip of his orange juice. You raised your eyebrows in surprise.

'You made this?' you asked, looking at the remnants of your croissant and eggs. Mr. Lee simply nodded, not looking up from his food.

Your family had had a cook for years, and knowing his wealth was similar to your clans' you had expected him to employ a cook as well.

You were still trying two wrap your brain around the fact that Mr. Lee himself had in fact made the feast you had just indulged yourself on and trying to think of reason's he might have poisoned you when Mr. Lee suddenly cleared his throat. 

You looked up and met his eyes.

'I would like to discuss some things with you,' he stated, not really a question. You nodded.

'As I said before, you are mine, but not my prisoner,' he repeated. Once again a tingle crept through your core and you shifted slightly in your seat. He continued: 'You are free to go wherever and whenever, but I expect you to return to me always. You are allowed to sleep anywhere you want, stay anywhere you want. You are free to see your family, your clan and your friends,'

His words made your eyes grow big with surprise and disbelief.

'As long as you always come back to me, that it,' he said in a slightly more stern voice. He went on again on a friendlier tone: 'I do not need to know where you are or how long you will stay there, as long as you return to me,'

You let out a breath in awe.

'You can always ask me anything and I will always try to answer you truthfully. You are my first priority, your happiness, and your health. I will do my best to fulfill everything you need... want... or desire,' he said the last few words very slowly.

Your world was blown upside down.

You were taken by this ruthless mobster just last night, brutally and against your will, although you did offer yourself to him. He had his bodyguards drag you out with so much as a goodbye to your family and now...

He said you were free?

Millions of questions clouded your brains and the only thing you could utter was:


Mr. Lee smiled slightly at you.

'I am not a torturer. Nor am I rapist or muderer. Yes, I deal in illegal wares and services but that does not make me a man without morals,' he said pausing when you still looked at him with that same puzzled look.

'When I came to your clan's office last night it was mostly to scare and warn them. Show your family what I am capable of. Show that I am not to be trifled with,' he explained.

He could see your brows furrow.

'Of course, my demand of taking the daughter of Mr. Park was not an empty one. I do not make threats when I don't mean them and I always follow through,' he said his voice slightly dark.

'To own a loved one of the opposite party means total control,' He explained. 'For all, they know I could threaten to harm you if they do not obey my requests,'

You felt the blood drain from your cheeks.

'But I'm sure that won't be necessary,' he said carelessly, waving his hand. 'Your father and his companion are intelligent enough to never cross me again. I am certain our treaty will continue smoothly and without any more incidents,' he nodded to himself, before looking at you again and giving you a smile that warmed your heart. 'You have nothing to worry about. I promise I will take very good care of you,'

You felt your heart flutter.

What on earth was wrong with you? How could his words do this to you? He was your abductor! Your hostage!

And still...

'Now, having said that; is there anything I can do for you?' Mr. Lee said smiling politely.



Many thanks to the amazing @chocolatewoo and  @It_Loser_Lover for supporting this story from such an early start!

Please let me know if you see any mistakes, have any ideas, need more pictures of LDW for the future!

Thanks for voting and commenting!

Mr. LeeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon