Fun and games

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The bonfire party dove late into the night, no one was even tired yet. The boys were dancing, talking or playing music. Either way, everyone was having fun, especially Gally.

He had come up with a little game to play by the fire. Gally made a big circle of sand and fought the other boys barefoot in it. The aim of the game was to knock your opponent down or force them out of the ring.

I was sitting on my log, laughing at the boys that lost to my brother. Gally walked away from his little game,once he beaten everyone at it, and strolled up to me.

"Would you like to try to beat me at my little game, sis?" Gally asked out of nowhere.

I thought about it for a moment and said yes. "Sure, why not. Prepare to be beaten at your own game, brother." I laughed. Gally helped me up and walked with me to the sand ring.

I tossed my boots aside and entered the circle with confidence. "A new challenger has entered the ring!" Minho shouted to the other boys and they all came up to watch. "Who will win this battle tonight, fellas? In that corner we have the reigning champion: Gally!" He continued. "And in this corner, Y/n. Does she have what it takes to beat the all time champion at his own game?"

Gally and I took our fighting positions and stared each other down. "LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!" Minho was obviously enjoying his little job as commentator a bit too much.

Gally and I circled around the ring clearly waiting for someone to make the first move. Gally then charged at me, but I quickly dodged him at the last second causing him to trip into the sand. He then got his revenge by knocking my ankles and making me fall to the ground.

We both stood up quickly, both not going to give in to the other. I charged at Gally but instead of pushing him, I grabbed his shoulders and jumped around him. While still in the air I swung around him and used my feet to kick the back of his knees. With my weight on his back, he fell forward with a loud thud. I managed to tackle him down, pinning him to the ground.

"One!" Newt shouted. Gally tried to escape my grip but failed. "Two!" Minho shouted, raising excitement in the crowd. Gally tried again, not liking the feeling of losing. "THREE!" Alby shouted, finishing the fight.

I got off Gally and offered him a helping hand up. He accepted my offer and congratulated me on my victory. The gladers watching the fight came rushing to us and picked me up like a winner at football game victories . They were all cheering and congratulating me for beating the champion. I felt like I was now formally accepted into their family.

"Alright everyone!" Alby shouted, getting everyone's attention. "Everyone go to bed now! The greenies have a big day tomorrow!"

Everyone groaned and went to their huts for the night. Alby, Newt and Minho were the only ones left (apart from Gally and I). "Gally, you can bunk with Minho until we get a hut set up for you. Okay?" Alby said. Gally and Minho fist bump and walk to his hut.

Alby then turned to me. "I know that this may be a bit awkward but we do need a place for you, Y/n. I've decided that you can stay in Newt's hut until your's is ready." Newt nodded at Alby's decision. "Where's Newt going to stay then?" I asked.

"I'll be in my hut with you, but don't worry, I'll be sleeping on the floor. That way you get to sleep and I can keep an eye on you." Newt replied.

"You're staying with Newt because I trust him more than those other shanks. Your safety is our concern now, seeing that you're new and most of the shuckfaces here haven't seen a girl here before." Alby explained.

"Okay then." I said back. "Lead the way to your hut, Newt."

He nodded, said goodnight to Alby and lead me to where I could get some sleep.

A protected love ~Newt and Y/N~ maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now