After the short-ish drive over, I pull into the parking lot, gather my things and hop out of the car.

I enter the shop to see Lennon with a client. I don't interrupt her and go find Finn.

Finn is currently in the process of tattooing a client. He notices me as soon as I walk in.

"Oh my god, you aren't supposed to be working today, what are you doing here?" Finn's excitement puts me in a way better mood already.

"I am going to the show today and decided to stop by and surprise you guys. Lennon saw me but is with a client so I'll go see her in a second." I explain.

"Okay, when you guys are done come back over here and we can all catch up." Finn states.

Agreeing with Finn, I go back over to where Lennon was to see if she is still with a client.

I spot Lennon finishing up so I wait patiently.

After a few minutes, the client leaves, and Lennon comes at me full force with a hug.

"Hi, love! What are you doing here?" Lennon asks.

"I got bored at the house and decided to come stop by before I leave for the show," I tell her, "I wish you were coming with me," I say.

"I do too but I have to hold the fort down over here, but best believe we are going to the next one together." She laughs silently.

"Finn wants us to go back there, he's with a client but I'm sure they won't mind if we're there too, also our great new friend Harry says hello." I tell Lennon.

She stops in her tracks, "I'm sorry what?"

"Saw him at the coffee shop yesterday, he told me to tell you hello."

"He was being...nice?" She asks for confirmation.

I flatten my lips, "Seemed like an act to me. Something is up with him."

"Remind me why you're going then?"

"Because everyone else is cool, he's a little sketch though. Come on," I nod to the studio Finn is in.

We both walk over to him and grab some chairs to sit around him while he works.

"I won't be here for crazy long, I have to leave before 7 to make it to the show," I tell them my plans.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to go Lilah? You don't know them." Finn worries.

"I didn't know you guys but I still let you work here. Plus Niall came here Monday, remember? You literally met him, you can't tell me he wasn't cool." I say.

I don't know why Finn is so worried about me going. He told me that he doesn't want me going to Reign again but I always come home in one piece. I've only ever been there once. And I can take care of my own goddamn self.

"I just worry about you. You know I love you Lilah. If you still choose to go just be careful." Finn doesn't fight back.

After talking with Finn and Lennon for a little bit, more clients come in. Lennon had an appointment set up prior to me showing up.

I offer to help both of them but it's not busy right now so I just cleaned up around the place. Walking around making sure everything is where it's supposed to be.

I've been at the shop since 2 pm. It's currently 5 pm. I've been here for a long time just hanging out with everyone. I need to leave in order to make it to the show in time, LA traffic at this time of day is a pain in the ass but I told everyone I'd be there.

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