Chapter 23: did she love me?

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Y/n's pov

"Oh Tom, this is perfect."

The tea rooms.

"Really? I didn't know if it was too cheesy or-"

I cut him of by embracing him. The sentiment made me feel so happy, almost emotional.

"It's not cheesy. It cute." I grinned.

"Oh good. Maya thought it was cute as well." He laughed.

"Aww, you talked to Maya about it?"

"Yeah, I was really worried that I was going to screw this up cause well, I didn't want to disappoint you or anything so I talked to her and she helped me." He softly smiled, looking at his feel in embarrassment.

"Tommy, you could take me anywhere and I would be happy as long as I'm with you." I reached out and held both his hands.

"You're so great." He sighed in content.

I kept ahold of one of his hands and we walked up to the cafe with smitten faces. We were immediately greeted by the same old lady from the first time I came here.

"Thomas! Y/n! I'm so glad to see-" she looked down at our hands and looked back.

"Oh this is wonderful! I knew you two would get together!" She tottered on the spot, grinning from ear to ear.

We laughed and she showed us to a table.

"You kids have fun, but not too much fun." She winked.

"Oh my god." Tom slapped his palm to his head and I giggled.

"So um, I don't mean to make anything awkward but I don't really know what we can talk about as we already know so much about each other." I chuckled.

"Well...there's still stuff you don't know about me." He smirked.

"Really? Like what?"

"I have a spider tattoo on my foot."

"Shut up! You're kidding?!" I gasped.

Tom literally took his sock of in the middle of the cafe and behold...a spider tattoo.

"I cant believe this

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"I cant believe this. I've known you for over a year and you never thought to tell me?" I playfully hit him.

"Well, I didn't think it was a big deal!" He laughed.

"It's a bloody tattoo, of course it's a big deal!"

"Okay, now you've gotta tell me a secret."

"Ummmm, I'm not sure..." I definitely had some but they were all quite embarrassing and I didn't want to tell him yet.

"Oh come on, there's gotta be something." He pouted.

"Okay okay...I've never had a proper boyfriend before." I smiled awkwardly.

"Wait really?" Toms eyebrows knitted together.

"Yeah, I would go on a date and then just get anxious and put it off. It's a horrible habit but I cant help it, it's like a self defence thing." I sighed.

"So, is this a good idea then? You know, us going out?" His faces dropped a little in fear.

"Yes! Yes it's a good idea! Because, well, it's different with you. You don't make me feel anxious. You make me feel safe." I smiled.

"Oh thank god, I was gonna panic." He sighed in relief. "And I'm glad I make you feel safe." He beamed and brushed a loose strand of hair out of my face.

His touch was like electricity. When his fingers touched my face lightly, chills ran though my body. His hand lingered on my cheek and our eyes gazed into each other's. It almost seemed like for a moment, we were drawing closer and closer until...

"Here you go lovelies! Afternoon tea on the house!"

Tom cleared his throat and I snapped my eyes away. His hand left my cheek and I felt empty.

God I wanted that kiss so badly.

"I- um thank you." I stuttered out.

"Oh no problem, only for my two favourite customers."

"I'm still going to try and pay you." Tom smiled.

"Not gonna happen sweetheart...or should I leave the nicknames to you two now." She winked.

For an older woman, she had attitude. I was actually jealous of her confidence.

"God the ladies here are so cheeky." Tom laughed.

"You know she's right, but you already call me 'love' so we don't need to come up with any." I smirked.

"Yeah, and you like it don't you love?" He smirked, sitting back and crossing his arms.

Oh lord.

"Shut up tommy." I rolled my eyes, pretending that it didn't bother me. Him chuckled and got up from his seat.

"I'm just gonna go up to the till and attempt to pay." He carried on chuckling to himself as he walked away.

He knew the effect he had on me.

Toms pov

I was delighted to see the way she fidgeted slightly when I called her that. She loves it.

"Oh Tom I'm so sorry, I started walking over and I only realised you were about to kiss when I got to the table and-" Rosie started whispering.

Rosie is the old lady who works there, felt like I needed to give her a name lol

"Hey it's okay. I'm sure we'll get the chance again." I chuckled.

I hope so.

"So, you really like her huh?" She smiled.

I glanced behind me to look at her. She was so involved in her scone that she didn't even notice. She gradually looked up and smiled cheeks puffed out from having a mouth full of scone. I burst out laughing and slowly turned back around to answer Rosies question.

"Yeah, shes so great, I love her."

My cheeks became rosy as I realised what I said.

"You love her?! Oh my god this is so exciting! I better be invited to the wedding!" The creases in her face became even prominent as she beamed the biggest smile.

"I- okay you're getting a little ahead of yourself." I chuckled nervously. "But yeah, I love her. A lot."

I felt my heart pang with anxiety. This was the first time I had admitted it to anyone. I knew of course but actually saying it out loud made it real. I know she liked me but did she love me?

I guess time will tell...

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