Chapter 18: chills.

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Toms pov
As the sun hit my eyelids, I reluctantly opened them. It took me a moment to realise that I wasn't at home, but at y/n's house. I looked down to see her snuggled into my chest, arm wrapped around my torso. Her rosy cheeks were squished against my chest and couldn't help chuckle at how cute she looked. I couldn't believe I was in bed with her. Not in a weird way, just that this was a very 'couple' thing to do. I was probably overanalysing as usual but she did ask me to stay and we cuddled all night. I hope it means something.

I decided I would lay with her for 10 more blissful minutes and then go and make breakfast. With the hangover she'll have, she's gonna need food. I wrapped my arms around her and let my eyes rest again.

Y/n's pov
Slowly waking, I turned to feel the warmth of Toms body to fine no one there. I forced my tired eyes open to see what I expected. No one.
Maybe he left? I hope I didn't make him uncomfortable or- wait what was that sound? Clashing of pans sounded from my kitchen downstairs.

"T-Tom?" I shouted, kinda scared it wasn't him.

No one answered so I went to investigate. I got up, ignoring the thundering pain in my head, and grabbed my hairspray incase it was an intruder. I crept down the stairs and peaked around the corner to find...

"Tom, you scared me." I sighed, chuckling.

"Mornin love, sorry I was just trying to find stuff to make breakfast." He smiled. He was so cute. "How you feeling?"

"Dead." I groaned.

"Well that's why we don't drink too much! Now, what should I make you?" He lent on the kitchen surface, face in hands, waiting for an answer.

"Tommy, you don't need to make me anything." I smiled. "I can take care of myself thank you very much!"

"So stubborn aren't you love?" He smirked.


"Well I'm making pancakes for myself so if you want some, you need to pipe up now." He said sternly.

"Ooo, yes please."

Once I showed him where the ingredients were, he begin making the batter. I of course was not having these pancakes without bacon so once I'd taken some drugs for my pounding headache, I got a pan out and began frying.

"Y/n, what are you doing." Tom said sternly once again.

"I want bacon with my pancakes so I'm cooking bacon, want some?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I said I'd make it so you go and sit down and stay there!" He demanded.


"I'm sorry, no?"


He came over and attempted to take the spatula away from me but I resisted.

"Just let me make the damn bacon!" I shouted.


"Look who's stubborn now." I mumbled.

"Okay, that's it." His hand went to underneath my arms and he began to tickle me. Damn you Holland. I resisted as much as I could which ended up with us on the floor in my attempt to push him away.

"Okay okay you can do it just stop tickling me!" I pleaded between laughter. He stopped but we carried on laughing at what had just happened. Suddenly, we both became aware of the fact that Tom was laying on top of me, inches from my face. For a moment, I thought we would continue what we started last night when he gave me my present. But then, he pushed himself up, cleared his throat and grabbed the spatula.

"Well, looks like I won."

"Oh piss off Tommy." I rolled my eyes.

Why wouldn't he kiss me? I thought he liked me like I liked him but I guess I was wrong. Maybe I did something? Or maybe he doesn't think I'm attractive?

He continued making breakfast and actually produced the best pancakes I'd ever had. We just made small talk as we stuffed our faces, avoiding any conversation to do with 'us.'

"So um, I'll give you some privacy and go home but I'll see you soon, right?" He smiled.

"Oh, yeah I think in a couple days we're all meeting here."

"Okay cool. Well, I hope you had a great birthday love, see you soon." He embraced me and for a moment, I thought he might never leave. But those everlasting moments have to end at some point.

Once the door closed, I was left alone with my thoughts.

Maybe he didn't like me. Maybe I wasn't pretty enough. Maybe I'm not good enough for him. Maybe...

Toms pov
As I shut the door behind me, regret spread through my body. Why didn't I kiss her? That was the perfect opportunity and I blew it. If I wait any longer, she's going to friend zone me completely and I can't have that. I have to tell her and I have to tell her soon.

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