Chapter 19: wouldnt dream of it.

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Toms pov

I messaged Maya for ideas on how to tell y/n about my feelings. I wanted it to be special but not over the top and right now, I couldn't find an in-between.

tom: yo maya, I need your help

maya: wassap?

tom: I may or may not be going to tell y/n that I like her but I don't know how to do it, got any ideas?


tom: okay those aren't words. I need help!

maya: I'm sorry I'm just excited! but okay, let's brainstorm...what do you relate y/n with?

tom: dance, marvel, her friends and tea rooms.

maya: tea rooms?

tom: oh yeah our first outing together was at a tea room.

maya: my heart :,) well, why not take her back to there and tell her then?

tom: omg, that's brilliant! I OWE YOU.

maya: yeah yeah whatever, just don't break my girls heart :)

tom: wouldn't dream of it.

I didn't want to message her as that was kind of impersonal so I decided I'll ask her when I see her in a couple days. Now I just have to practice what to say...

Is 'I love you' too much? Yeah probably is...

Y/n's pov
As I was making dinner, I heard a little squeal coming from the living room. I went in to see what Maya was doing and she was rapidly texting someone.

"Who do you love so much that you're squealing whilst messaging them?" I laughed.

"Oh! Uh- nothing. Just Daisy sending me a funny meme, that's all." She exclaimed, holding her phone to her chest. She was a very open person, always letting me on her phone, so why was she being jittery all of a sudden?

"Ah alright." I smiled. I racked my brain as to what she could be hiding. Maybe she and Daisy finally got together? Nah she'd tell me that. Maybe it's something to do with my birthday? No thats stupid, it just happened. Maybe it's something to do with our friend group like Jacob, Haz, Tom- Maybe it's to do with Tom!

Okay, just calm down. You're getting anxious over nothing. Stop overanalysing and finish cooking.

Once we'd sat down to eat, the casual conversation turned to Tom. Great.

"So, still go feelings for Tommy?" Maya winked.

"Hey only I'm allowed to call him that!"

"Don't change the subject missy!"

"Fine! Yes I like him! Why?"

"I just wondered if anything had maybe you lovvvvveeee him." She beamed.

I looked down into my food and just carried on eating, not wanting to answer because I hated the answer.

"Oh my god. You love him."

The truth is, for a while I'd been thinking about the extent of my crush on Tom. After taking many internet quizzes and having my own epiphanies, I realised I am in love with him. I cant help it.

The way he always calls me 'love'...

His gorgeous smile...

His fluffy hair...

His care for everyone around him...

His need to make sure everyone is okay...

His knack of making me smile in any situation...

His hugs and forehead kisses...

I could go on for days.

"please don't make a big deal out of this, it's freaking me out as it is!" I ran my hand through my hair in stress.

"I- I just cant believe it. I mean I'm so happy but...I cant believe it." Mayas face was left paralysed.

"I know. I don't believe it either but it's true and I can't help these feelings. God I hate it Maya I really hate it." My eyes welled up and I'm not sure why but I began to cry. I guess love was pretty overwhelming.

"Oh honey no, it's okay! Don't worry! Why are you so upset?" She came and hugged me.

"I guess I'm just worried if I tell him and he doesn't like me back then I'll lose him and I really don't want to lose him." I sniffled.

"Okay firstly, Tom would never leave you. He's not the type of person to do that and he cares too much about you. Which leads me onto my next point that he's head over heels, madly in love with you!"

"Maya, I appreciate you trying to make me feeling better but I'd rather not lie to myself and just face the truth. He's a big celebrity and he would never go out with someone like me." I sighed. I knew Tom wasn't a materialistic person but I felt like I wasn't good enough for him.

"God you're so blind! That man does everything in his power to make you happy. I mean, the amount of times he's done little things like when we go round to his he always has your favourite snacks out or when he cuddles you when you're sad. Do you see?"

I'm so confused.

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